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.:Author's Note:.

Winston (present time) at the top

Picture him ten years younger for this chapter


Ten Years Ago

Winston's POV:

It all happened so quickly.

I had caught my boyfriend in bed, laying with another man.

I stood frozen in place as I watched them through the crack of the room door. He never moaned in ecstasy like that when he was with me. He never kissed me so passionately. He never made love to me like this; not like he was making love to this man, on our bed.

When it became too intimate to watch any longer, I left. I didn't make my presence known as I snuck out of our shared apartment and headed for my car.

I refused to feel the pain. I refused to let myself cry. I refused to let the images constantly flash behind my eyelids. But I couldn't stop the self-loathing from sneaking in. Suddenly, I hated who I was. I wanted- needed- to be someone else.

Getting into my car, I quickly started the engine before speeding down the street with no destination in mind. Only God knew how long I drove for before I found myself at a bar, downing my fifth drink. I was on my way to six before I was interrupted.

"Heavy drinking usually comes after heartbreak." A voice said to my right, causing me to stop mid drink lift. I glanced over at the man uninterestedly before throwing the drink back, enjoying how it burned all the way down.

"You're damn right about that." I replied a few seconds later, to which the man chuckled. Hearing his laugh made me turn to face him, taking in his appearance.

He was sexy with his buff, boy next door looks. I'd have to say he was in his early twenties, a little younger than my nearing thirty-year-old self. Hopefully, he didn't think I was too old because I wanted him. Tonight, I was no longer a shy and quiet man; I was going to be sexy and flirty.

"Care to talk about it over a drink?" The guy questioned. I raised an eyebrow at him in mock curiosity.

"You're asking me to join you for a drink? Did you just assume I was gay?"

"My gaydar is impeccable." He replied cheekily, forcing a small chuckle out of me. "Charlie." He continued, stretching his hand out for me to shake.

I took it with a seductive smile.

"Maybe if the night goes well, you'll learn mine." I said softly, making sure the words rolled off my tongue.

Again, Charlie laughed.


The night did progress well. I talked with Charlie for about two hours. My phone had been going off constantly, but I ignored it while enjoying Charlie's company.

"I'll be right back." I said when I suddenly needed to pee.

Charlie nodded as I slipped away from him and headed to the bathroom. After I finished doing my business, I washed my hands and returned to the bar to find him tapping away on his phone.

"You wouldn't happen to have a secret boyfriend." I said teasingly, catching Charlie's attention. He looked up at me with a goofy grin as he shook his head.

"No, but I'm hoping to have an exclusive boyfriend after tonight." He flirted back as he pocketed his phone. My stomach tightened while my face darkened with a blush. Not having a decent response, I finished my drink that I had left on the counter.

I couldn't believe it. Just hours after finding my boyfriend in the act of cheating, I was already being courted by someone else.

Charlie and I talked some more before I started to feel dizzy. I tipped on the bar stool, nearly falling over, but Charlie managed to catch me.

"Whoa, looks like someone had too much to drink." He joked as he straightened me in my seat. I wanted to reply, but my tongue felt heavy and my vision began to spin.

"...get ...home." He spoke again, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I was lifted from my seat bridal style a few seconds later before everything went black.


It's pretty obvious what happened after that. I awoke the next morning laying in the backseat of my car in only my shirt. There was a shooting pain in my ass and a large blood spot on the seat.

I didn't tell anyone what happened, mostly because I couldn't remember. I broke up with my boyfriend that same day and returned to my parents as a shell of my former self.

Four months later, after doing some blood tests, I got some news that forever changed my life.

"Mr. Monroe?"

"Yes?" I replied shakily, hoping for the best...

"I'm sorry to inform you, but your tests came back positive. You have HIV."

...but receiving the worst.

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