Chapter 6

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.:Author's Note:.

Marilyn at the top

As an apology for yesterday, I've decided to update a day early. 😋💜 ENJOY!


Winston's POV:

Jonathan and I have been working together for about a week now.

The flyer advertisement I had made for the model castings had been a success, racking in a total number of fifty people. We were currently sorting through photos of everyone who applied, seeing that we only needed about twelve of that fifty.

"We need to find our Aphrodite first." Jonathan said as he splayed a bunch of headshots across the table between us. We were working in the conference room of Montego's building. The kooky old man informed us that he would prefer if his projects were taken care of right under his nose.

"Artists today normally portrayed her as having blonde hair and blueish-green eyes, but she was a Goddess and could take on any physical attributes that she chose." I explained, picking up a headshot to examine it. "So I think it's up to us to decide what physical characteristics we want our model to have."

I set the picture down before writing the model's name on a sheet of candidates for the shoot. When I didn't get a response from Jonathan, I looked up to find that he was staring at me. It wasn't the first time either, but it still made my face flush in embarrassment.

"Jonathan?" I questioned, which snapped him out of his stupor. He shook his head quickly before nodding.

"I agree with you." He replied while picking up a headshot to block his face. I chuckled silently. Jonathan just proved to be more interesting each and every day we worked together, which didn't help my infatuation with him to diminish.

We continued to sort through pictures of people who we each thought would work for the shoot. By the time we were done, there was still twenty people to choose our twelve from.

"I found our Aphrodite!" Jonathan cheered a moment later. He held up a picture of a beautiful brunette woman with gray eyes.

"Whoa..." I replied, making him laugh. Even as a gay man, I could admit that she was stunning. Jonathan turned the headshot around to read the information on the back.

"Her name is Marilyn Vasiliev. She's 5'9, naturally brunette, and she is a mesomorph. She's been modeling for ten years and is not unfamiliar in the fashion industry." He read aloud before handing the photo to me. "I think she's perfect."

There was a burst of jealousy that appeared in the pit of my stomach as he practically gloated about the Russian model. A part of me wanted to reject Marilyn and move on to find a different Aphrodite, but another part of me understood that that wouldn't be fair.

Jonathan was only speaking business, even if the way he spoke made it seem like he was a bit interested in the model. I pretended to read the back of the picture before nodding.

"Yeah, she's great." I stated halfheartedly.

"Really? Because you don't seem too thrilled about it." He countered with a raise of his eyebrow. I hummed lowly, not wanting him to know that I was slightly green with envy.

"Yes, really." I said while picking up a different picture. "Now we just need to find the other eleven people who will surround her."

"Come on, Winston. You know you can tell me if there's an issue. This isn't only my project, it's yours as well."

It was moments like this why I found it impossible to stay upset, even when I had no right to be. Jonathan was too sweet, and the few times I found myself pushing away from him, the more he drew me in. I was like Rumpelstiltskin, from Once Upon a Time, who couldn't stay away from dark magic no matter how hard he tried. It was fucking frustrating.

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