Chapter 16

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.:Author's Note:.

Please excuse any mistakes.


Winston's POV:

Ten Years Ago

I limped from the elevator to my and Diego's apartment door, trying my best to ignore the pain that shot up my back with every step I took. I felt weak. My ass was on fire, and the dry blood between my cheeks wasn't helping my case. Still, I disregarded the troublesome feeling. I deferred from going to the hospital and reporting my rape because nothing severe was going to happen to Charlie even if he happened to get caught; I couldn't even remember much of last night. Instead, I returned to the place I would no longer call home to end things with Diego and collect my things; hopefully take a shower as well.

As quickly as I could, I unlocked the door and entered the apartment. For the first time in years, I didn't get that warm homey feeling. Now, the place just felt cold despite the soft humming of the heater. I stood frozen in the doorway, unable to take another step inside. My home was tainted.

I don't know how long I just stood there until I heard the thudding of Diego's feet, breaking me from whatever trance I was in. I closed the door just as he stepped out of the hallway that led to our room.

"Where the fuck have you been, Winston?!" He questioned angrily, crossing his arms in front of him. I stared at the man whom I loved with my entire being, and I couldn't help but find him extremely ugly right now.

"Good morning to you too, Diego." I responded with a sigh. I put my keys on the table and stripped from my jackets before limping past him so that I could get to the bathroom.

Diego didn't seem to like that. He grabbed my arm and flung me against the wall, making me hiss as pain spread across my entire body.

"Don't play games with me! I asked you a fucking question!" He barked. However, where there used to be a fearful feeling whenever he was mad at me, there was now indifference. I stared at him blankly. I was more concerned about the sudden wetness between my ass cheeks than his uncontrollable anger.

"I decided to celebrate our anniversary by myself since you were preoccupied with someone else." I voiced emotionlessly, causing Diego to pale. "Can I go take a shower now?"

Shoving his hands off of me, I hurried to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind me. A shuddering breath caught in my throat as I tried to relax. It felt like my world was spiraling and I didn't like it.

I started the shower and stripped off my clothes before getting under the hot spray of water. Slowly, I turned around so that the jets beat against my back, causing immense relief. Glancing down, I noted the blood that mixed with the water, and it made my head spin.

I was more than sure that I had an anal fissure, and using the bathroom for the next month or two was going to be a struggle. Sighing to myself, I bent over slowly, whimpering a bit as the water beat on my hole and rinsed away the rest of the blood.

Once that was taken care of, I showered thoroughly, nearly rubbing my skin raw as I tried to get rid of the sudden formicated feeling that coated me from head to toe. It suddenly felt like bugs were crawling under my skin and I just couldn't get them out, and before I knew it, my nails were sinking into my flesh.

I don't know how long I continued to scratch at my skin, but banging on the door broke me from my self-harming haze. I glanced down to see the fingernail prints on my arms covered in blood.

"Corazoncito, can we talk?" Diego's voice came through the door. I rolled my eyes as I washed off my skin once more before turning off the water. He only ever called me sweetheart in his native tongue when he wanted to get his way. Well, not this time.

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