Chapter 13

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.:Author's Note:.

For anyone rereading, you may notice that I took out the previous ending with the unknown pov. I didn't really see it fitting into the way I plan to end this story.

Some comments may be in reference to that omitted ending.

The restaurant and the song Winston was singing to are at the top.

Please excuse any mistakes.


Jonathan's POV:

Seven Years Ago

I grunted as I swung the axe back before bringing it forward to chop the firewood in half. After, I replaced the two halves with a new whole log and started the process all over again. When I thought there was enough wood to keep the cabin warm throughout the night, I put my axe away and brought the wood inside.

"Bugsy, is that you?" Miranda called out as I closed the cabin door behind me. I stomped my foot to clear it of snow while shouting back an answer.

"No! It's a serial killer coming to murder you."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Miranda replied sarcastically as I entered the kitchen. "But serial killers don't announce themselves until they attack."

"I'm different." I laughed placing the firewood aside. Taking a seat on one of the kitchen chairs, I stripped from my hat and coat before rubbing my hands together so that they warmed up. "What's for dinner, Foxy?"

"Oh, just your favorite; roasted chicken breast with a side of mashed potatoes covered in gravy."

I raised my eyebrow as Miranda quickly turned around to avoid eye contact with me. I watched her as she moved around the kitchen and took out ingredients to prepare my favorite meal. After dragging the sudden silence out for a couple more minutes, I decided to catch her attention again.

"You want something."

"What?!" Miranda questioned incredulously as she turned around to face me again. "Can't I invite my best friend to stay with me at our cabin and prepare his favorite meal for us to enjoy beside a lit fireplace?"

"No. No, you cannot. Especially since it is almost New Years and you aren't at home with your wife." I laughed, making Miranda pout. "Spill it, Foxy."

"Okay. Fine." She sighed before coming to take a seat beside me. I slowly turned to face her and watched as a thousand thoughts crossed her mind before she finally sighed again. "Okay. I'm just gonna say it... Amanda and I want to have a baby."

"What?! Foxy, that's amazing!" I said after the shock of the big news finally passed. Miranda and Amanda have been married for almost six years now, and I had silently wondered when they were going to start expanding their family. I guess they were prepared to do so now.

I moved in to hug my best friend, but Miranda pressed her hand against my chest to stop me before I could.

"I didn't finish." She told me seriously, making me frown a bit. "Amanda and I want to have a baby, but we want you to be our sperm donor."



Instead of returning to my car and setting up the GPS like I told Winston I would, after he returned inside, I began to pace in his front yard. The severity of this situation had suddenly smacked me in the face at full force.

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