Chapter 24 (M)

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.:Author's Note:.

It's 4 AM. I'll edit this later, maybe. 😂

Please excuse any mistakes.


Winston's POV:

My leg bounced nervously as I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, hoping to receive any news about Jonathan and his girls soon. My clammy hands gripped onto the arms of the chair, and my back was starting to have a dull ache at the base of it. Worried wasn't even the word I wanted to use to properly describe how I felt right now; I was downright sick with distress.

"Winston, just breathe." Macy said as she placed her hand on mine. "Everything is going to be okay. Jonathan and the girls were only brought in for a post-accident checkup."

"I know." I sighed. "It's just that they've been back there for so long."

"It's only been half an hour. They'll be out soon."

"Fucking drunk drivers." I muttered lowly in distaste.

Jonathan hadn't even left my house for ten minutes before a drunk driver crashed into him and sent his car into a nearby tree. Thankfully, the crash wasn't fatal, and my boyfriend and his girls were able to come out of it with no visible injuries. The drunk driver, on the other hand, wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and she ended up banging her head against the windshield. EMTs say she'll live.

A dark part of me hope she didn't, but that was just the devil on my shoulder speaking. All of me, however, was just happy that she hadn't caused more collateral damage to the people I love.

"Look. Here they come now." Macy voiced with relief, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced up to see Jonathan carrying one twin on each of his hips as a doctor conversed with him. Quickly, we stood from our seats, catching the end of their conversation – the doctor bidding him a good night. Then, my boyfriend turned his attention to me.

"Hey, baby. You didn't have to wait here." He said tiredly.

"No way was I going to be anywhere else." I replied. "I can hold April for you."

Jonathan nodded gratefully as he passed his sleeping child over to me. April unconsciously wrapped her legs and arms around me before her head nestled in the crook of my neck.

"What did the doctor say?" Macy questioned. She threw the girls' coats over them as a sort of blanket before we all headed out of the hospital.

"We're all okay. Thankfully." Jonathan responded. "No concussions or any whiplash. There weren't any underlying injuries whatsoever. Alyssa and April were a little shaken up about the whole thing though, so I'm going to keep them home tomorrow instead of sending them to school."

"I think that's best. I'll be home as well so I can watch them instead of having you miss work."

"That would be great, Pebbles. Thank you."

"It's no problem at all."

We made it to the parking garage of the hospital where Macy had her car parked. I got a ride from her earlier after Jonathan, April, and Alyssa were all hauled off in an ambulance.

Macy unlocked the vehicle with her key before getting in on the driver's side. Jonathan and I got into the back with the sleeping twins safely in our clutches.

"Are you okay?" I asked my boyfriend lowly as Macy started the car and turned on the heat. Moments later, she was on the road, heading back to my house.

"I'm as good as I'll ever be right now." Jonathan replied. "I'm just glad that nothing worse happened."

"Me too. Looks like I'll be the one driving you to Mr. Montego's building now."

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