Chapter 14

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Winston's POV:

Jonathan was right; never have I ever felt this carefree. A rich laugh burst past my lips as he kissed me briefly before I was suddenly dipped.

"I underestimated your dance skills." I admitted, making Jonathan chuckle as he righted me and pressed me against his chest. "If you can teach even me to dance, then I guess you must be pretty good." I joked.

"Pretty good?" He questioned back with a teasing glare. "I am the best that there is. You're still underestimating me." He continued before I was unexpectedly twirled.

It made my heart pump rapidly as we moved together on the dance floor like nobody was watching. Realistically, I knew that there were multiple sets of eyes on us, but with Jonathan's comforting gaze, I couldn't care less about the outsiders. Never have I had so many worries just disappear when someone's attention was transfixed on me, and it didn't make me uncomfortable when Jonathan would just stare either. The man had no problem expressing what was on his mind when he was ogling me.

Still, I always half-heartedly complained so that he knew that he was affecting me, in a good way.

"If only you knew how sexy you look." Jonathan whispered in my ear, causing a shiver to race down my spine. "You're lucky this restaurant does not permit dirty dancing."

"Jonathan!" I gasped as my face flushed red. "I need to use the bathroom."

"Okay. I know; too much." He laughed as we stopped dancing and returned to our table. "I'll be here when you get back."

With a simple peck on my lips, Jonathan took his seat before I walked away in a daze and headed for the restroom. A chilling feeling washed over me as I suddenly felt like I was being watched. However, when I glanced behind me, all I saw were attendees enjoying their meals; so I decided to shrug it off.

Quickly, I headed inside the restaurant and asked a waiter for the nearest restroom. She pointed me towards a set of stairs and told me that the bathroom would be the second door on my left. Following her instructions, I made my way into the large, extremely clean room and entered one of the stalls.

As I was emptying my bladder, I heard the restroom door open. The person knocked on my stall door loudly, making me jump. Could that not hear that I was pissing?

"Occupied!" I called out instead of answering with an attitude like I so badly wanted to.

"Winston?" A familiar voice called out, causing me to tense. I willed myself to pee faster so that I could flush the toilet and exit the stall. Once I did, I came face to face with none other than Diego. "I had a feeling it was you, but I didn't know for sure, so I had to check."

"D-Diego?" I stuttered stupidly, unable to process that I was actually standing in front of my ex. Why? What the hell was he doing in New York; and what did he want from me?

"The one and only." Diego laughed, but I didn't find the situation funny. I was actually staring at the face of the man who tore me down for years. Not only was I scared, but now I also wanted to get as far away from this building as possible.

"Wha-why are you here?" I asked, stepping around him and walking towards the sink so that I could wash my hands, as well as put some much-needed space between us. I suddenly couldn't breathe properly.

"Well, I'm celebrating my anniversary. I made ten years with my husband today." Diego answered with a happy grin.

I paused, glancing up at him in the large mirror. What he said shouldn't have affected me; it's been years since I saw the man, and of course, he would be with someone else, but I couldn't help the gnawing feeling of betrayal. Ten years; we dated for longer than that and I wasn't even proposed to. But here he was, married; seeming to have tied the knot as soon as we broke up.

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