Chapter 1

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.:Author's Note:.

Jonathan at the top.



Jonathan's POV:

I woke up to soft giggling.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anytime soon, I turned in bed to face the culprits. April and Alyssa looked back at me with excitement filled eyes seeing that I was now awake.

"Good morning, Daddy!" They cheered simultaneously. I laughed as I pulled them to lay on each side of me. They giggled, to the point of screeching, as I tickled their sides.

"Good morning, princesses!" I replied. Alyssa beamed up at me while April scoffed.

"I'm not a princess, Daddy. I'm Batman." She told me pointedly. Alyssa rolled her eyes at her sister, making me laugh again.

"I apologize, Batman. Good morning."

My daughters kissed my cheeks before getting out of the bed. I followed suit and held my hands out for them to take as we walked to the kitchen. Glancing at the time on the cable box as we passed the living room, I saw that it was nearing eleven o'clock. Looks like we all slept in today.

"Daddy, can we have waffles for breakfast?" Alyssa questioned. Before I could respond, April whined beside me.

"No, Daddy. I want chicken for breakfast. Waffles are boring." She said. I knew any second now, my twins were going to start arguing so I piped up before Alyssa could give a response.

"How about we have both? Want to head to IHOP?" I negotiated, making both of my girls look up at me with toothless grins.

"Really, Daddy?" They asked excitedly, letting go of my hands to stand in front of me. I nodded, causing them to squeal before running back the way we just came from.

"Be ready in thirty minutes!" I shouted after them, getting a shared "okay" in response. I chuckled as I continued towards the kitchen. Even though we were going out for breakfast, I still needed to make sure we had enough ingredients for lunch and dinner.

After checking the fridge and cupboards, and noting that there wasn't nearly enough food for the three of us, I decided that we would go to the supermarket after eating. With the checklist in my head, I returned to my room to get changed.

April and Alyssa were dressed and brushing their teeth, so I joined them. They giggled, making the toothpaste drip down their chins. I started to brush my teeth, and they mocked everything I did. After we spit and rinsed, we showed our pearly whites to each other before laughing again.

"You can watch TV while I get dressed." I said as we exited the bathroom. They followed behind me, but instead of going towards the living room, they came into my bedroom and sat on the bed.

"Daddy, can I pick out your clothes?" Alyssa asked, making me nod. I took a seat beside April as her sister rummaged through my closet.

"Can we go see Mommy today?" April questioned, making me frown. She only ever wanted to see her mom when something was bothering her.

"Sure, honey. But would you like to tell me what happened?" I replied. April shook her head, smiling at me, and confusing the hell out of me too.

"No, it's okay, Daddy. I would just like to ask Mommy a question."

I nodded, knowing that if she didn't want to tell me, she wouldn't. I'd have to get it out of Alyssa later. She was my little investigator.

"Here you go, Daddy!" Looking away from April, I considered the outfit Alyssa was holding up for me to wear. Not only was she an investigator, but she was also a wardrobe stylist. She had a thing for clothes, and I wouldn't be surprised if she grew up to work in the fashion industry one day.

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