Chapter 23

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.:Author's Note:.

Please excuse any mistakes.


Jonathan's POV:

I rang Winston's doorbell, stepping back a moment later to adjust the collar of my shirt. In front of me, my girls held hands as they patiently waited for someone to open the door. It didn't take long for Winston to do just that a few seconds later. He smiled when he saw the three of us and then laughed when April and Alyssa hugged his legs.

"Winston, we missed you!" They said simultaneously.

"I missed you too, girls. Sorry, I can't tell you both apart yet. Wait, don't tell me." He smiled while getting down to eye level with them. He looked at them for a few seconds before his grin widened. Pointing to the twin on his left, he said, "You're April."

April giggled as she nodded her head, letting him know that he was correct. Winston fist pumped the air before facing Alyssa. "And obviously, this is my fashionista, Alyssa. Unless you're each a triplet instead of twins and I made a mistake."

"I can promise you that they are not triplets." I cut in, making my boyfriend stand with a shy smile. "Hey, sweetness."

"Hey, baby." He replied. "I'm glad you guys could make it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I winked. Winston grinned before stepping aside so that we could enter his house, closing the door behind him to keep out the cold. "I brought this as a little treat."

"Jonathan, you didn't have to bring wine, but thank you." He smiled shyly as he accepted the bottle from my hands. "Leave your shoes right here, please. I can take your coats."

Once we had our shoes off and my girls gave us their coats, they disappeared from our sides. Winston laughed as he watched them scurry after Snowflake, whom nearly made April and Alyssa blow a fuse from excitement. I helped him put our coats on the coat rack before turning him around and pressing him against my chest.

"I didn't hear you say that you missed me." I teased.

"Does it really need to be said?" He quipped, making me laugh. I wrapped an arm around his waist before leaning in to press my lips against his. It was a quick greeting kiss, and I'm glad we didn't take it any further than a simple peck because someone behind me cleared their throat loudly. "Jesus Christ, Mom!"

I turned around – not bothering to let go of Winston's waist – in order to face a beautifully aging, and short, woman.

"You must be Jonathan." Winston's mother smiled at me while ignoring the pout I'm pretty sure her son was giving her.

"I am." I replied with a grin of my own. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Monroe."

"Oh please, dear, call me Constance."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Constance."

"Likewise, Jonathan. I can see why my son is so smitten with you."

"Mom!" Winston snapped in embarrassment. I laughed as I shook my head.

"It's okay, Win. I know how much you love me." I said teasingly.

"No, I hate you now." Winston grinned while walking away from the both of us with the wine bottle in his hand. I followed him with my eyes before focusing on Constance again. She stared at me with a knowing look, making my face tint just a tad.

"You're quite smitten with my son as well."

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed bashfully while rubbing the back of my neck. As happy as I was to see my man, I couldn't help how nervous I felt in the presence of his mother. First impressions were everything, and I knew that if she didn't like me, it would make Winston's and my relationship a little complicated – this coming from a man whom always cherished his parents' opinions.

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