Chapter 3

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.:Author's Note:.

Alyssa and April at the top.


Jonathan's POV:

"We don't need a big cart, girls." I said as the automatic doors of the supermarket let us in. They ignored me as they took a trolley anyway and pushed it in front of me. April stood on the front of it as Alyssa stood on her tippy toes to see as she steered.

"Okay, fine." I sighed. "We have to hit the dairy aisle first."

I stood behind Alyssa just in case I needed to stop her from crashing. Once we made it to the dairy aisle, I picked up what we needed, along with what my girls wanted, and continued like that throughout the store.

By the time we made it to the cash register, I had an unnecessarily full cart. After paying for everything, I pushed the trolley outside and towards the car since it had gotten too heavy for Alyssa. My girls helped me unload the bags before settling in their seats, each with a bag of candy in their hands. Yeah, I spoiled them quite a bit.

After, I returned the cart to the supermarket and then got into the car, turning up the heat in order to warm up our faces. It was winter time in New York, and the cold weather was more than a bitch. I wanted to take my girls somewhere warm, like California, but it would be hard to just up and relocate like that.

"Daddy, when we get home, can we play games?" Alyssa questioned as she chewed on some Life Savers Gummies.

"Sure. Any games in mind?"

"Twister, Uno, and Jenga!" April cheered. I chuckled as I reversed the car out of the parking lot and started on our journey home.

"No problem, girls. I just have to get a little more work done and then I'll be all yours for the rest of the day."

"But you're always working." Alyssa grumbled. "It's supposed to be our weekend together."

"Don't be a meanie, Isa." April snapped. "Daddy has to make money so that we can go to Six Flags and other places."

"That's right." I laughed. "If I don't have any money, how am I going to spoil you girls rotten?"

Alyssa and April giggled, causing a small smile to appear on my face. They fell quiet after a short while, so I turned on the radio. Unfortunately for me, Becky G's song, "Shower," came on, making the girls squeal. I sighed as I let it play and let them sing along although I found the song to be highly annoying.

Thankfully, it was over quickly. The rest of the car ride was spent in a comfortable silence despite the still playing radio. Once I was parked in the driveway of our home, I unbuckled the girls from their booster seats before unloading the groceries. They helped bring the lighter things inside while I carried most of the bags since I refused to make two trips.

"Alright, girls. I'm going to pack these away. You two should go finish your homework." I said as we took off our jackets and hung them on the coat rack.

"Okay. And then we can play games later?" Alyssa questioned, making me nod. They hurried to their rooms while I made my way back to the kitchen.

After putting everything where they needed to go, I settled in front of my computer, sighing heavily as I saw the load of emails I had received since my time at IHOP.

With the promise of spending time with my girls in mind, I quickly got down to work.


I sent the final draft of a last minute project to my boss before shutting down my computer. Mrs. Cunningham was a woman that liked to keep her employees on their toes. Because of this, she would randomly send out advertising projects as tests to see if her company was still doing what they were supposed to do. I didn't mind it since I was always prepared to work. However, while in the office, I could hear the few complaints and empty threats Mrs. Cunningham would receive when she dumped random tasks on us.

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