Chapter 27

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.:Author's Note:.

Please excuse any mistakes.

I had this song on loop while rewriting this chapter.


Jonathan's POV:

I haven't heard from Winston in five days.

No call, no text, no email, and no FaceTime.

Saying I was worried would be an understatement. I was stressing the fuck out.

"Maybe something happened on Sunday." Macy said to me after I had tried Winston's phone for the hundredth time today. The call went straight to voicemail. "Did something happen on Sunday?"

"No, not that I know of." I sighed. "I mean, I accidentally snapped at him, but he said it was nothing to worry about after I apologized. He was all good when he was leaving - gave me a kiss, told me he loved me, and then he was on his way. Fuck! What if he really wasn't okay? Did I miss the signs?"

"Although I've known Winston for a long time – not personally until recently – I could never figure out what was going on his head when he came to the group meetings. I can't answer those questions for you."

"But I usually can figure out what goes on in his head." I grumbled, clenching my fist in frustration. "Fuck it. Can I use your car? I need to stop by his house."

There was no use in trying to contact him electronically. If my calls and texts were going unanswered, the next best thing to do was a pop-up. He couldn't ignore me when I was at his front door; could he?

"Yes, of course." Macy replied, interrupting my thoughts. She rummaged through her bag on the counter before pulling out her keys and handing them to me. "Bring him home, Bugsy."

"I plan to." I replied as I stood from my seat and headed to the front door. I quickly put on a pair of shoes and a light jacket before leaving the house. Thankfully, my girls were in Macy's room playing with her pet lizard, so I didn't have to worry about them questioning where I was going. They were very aware of Winston's absence, and I think it was taking a toll on them.

The drive to Winston's house was terribly frustrating. There was traffic like no other, and I couldn't seem to avoid the red lights. Pulling up in front of his place and not seeing his car in his driveway did not help my frustration.

I called his phone again.

"We're sorry, but the person you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later."


I turned off the car engine. It was going to be a long night. No way was I going to go back home when Winston could show up at any moment. Thankfully, it was a Friday, and I didn't have to worry about Macy needing her car tomorrow morning. I'd stay parked in front of Winston's house the entire weekend if I had to. Please don't make me have to.

Three and a half hours went by. I was almost at the point of dozing off when Winston's car lights flashed brightly in my eyes as he pulled into his driveway.

Quickly, I got out of the car once he was parked, slamming the door behind me before meeting him halfway on the pavement. He was shocked to see me.

"Jonathan?" His voice cracked as he spoke. I frowned as I took in his appearance.

Winston's eyes were sunken in, and his hair was oily and disheveled. I could tell that he hadn't shaved or showered in days. I wasn't sure he had eaten either. His face looked too thin for my liking, and he seemed to be in the same clothes from Sunday night. I paused when I saw the blood on the knees of his pants.

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