Chapter 21

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.:Author's Note:.

Please excuse any mistakes.


Jonathan's POV:

Sunlight shone through a small gap in my curtains, partially blinding me as I awakened the next morning. I groaned, somehow hoping that the irritating sun would go away so that I could get a couple more hours of rest. Unfortunately for me, it didn't. Winston shifted in his sleep, unconsciously turning away from the sun's glare to bury his face in my chest. My arm that I had around his waist tightened once he settled and a small serene sigh passed my lips.

I half mindedly reached for my phone on the bedside table, pushing a few condom wrappers to the floor. Once I got it, I checked the time, noting that it was only a few minutes after seven-thirty. There was more than enough time for me to fall back asleep because my girls wouldn't be up until ten, and the way I tired out Winston, he probably wouldn't wake until eleven.

However, a text on my phone seemed to erase all thoughts of sleep from my mind.

Not wanting to wake Winston, I gently untangled myself from him, quietly got out of the bed, unlocked the room door, and headed to the kitchen

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Not wanting to wake Winston, I gently untangled myself from him, quietly got out of the bed, unlocked the room door, and headed to the kitchen. Once in the clear, I called Amanda, feeling as though I was a few seconds away from bursting in anger. She answered immediately.


"Why are you such a selfish bitch?" I snapped.

"Good morning to you too, Jonathan." She replied, and I had to bite my tongue before I said anything that I would come to regret.

"I don't care if you want to threaten me with a court appearance; the only way you are seeing my girls is over my dead body."

"Whether you want to admit it or not, they are my girls too!" Amanda yelled.

"No, they're not! You said so yourself that you never wanted them, and I'm keeping my promise to you that you won't be left with them."

"Jonathan, that was five years ago." Amanda spoke softer. "I was hurt that my ex-wife wasn't trying hard enough to save our family, but I'm more mature now, and I've realized the mistake I've made."

"This is not just some small mistake! It was a decision you made to up and leave your kids when, at any moment, they could have had nobody. I refuse to put them in a situation where they are left abandoned, again, by their own birth mother no less." I explained harshly. Amanda sighed, most likely in annoyance, before replying.

"You know what? I see that we won't get anywhere trying to talk this out. How about just letting a judge decide because I'm not wasting any more time trying to convince you." She stated as if I should be grateful for being able to speak to her.

"So be it." I muttered before abruptly ending the call. In a moment of frustration, I threw my phone at the kitchen wall, cursing lowly when it broke and the pieces fell to the floor. Not caring much, I turned to head back to my room, but I froze a second later when I saw Macy just standing in the entranceway.

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