Chapter 7

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Jonathan's POV:

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked Winston as we packed up for the rest of the night. "I think I recall you walking here this morning."

It was nearing eight o'clock, and the winter New York nights were exceptionally colder than the mornings. My girls were dead to the world as they slept against each other in one of the big chairs. Winston looked over at me while continuing to stuff his briefcase.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to get your girls home?" He questioned, smiling slightly after taking a glance at them.

"They're already passed out. I'm sure a little car ride won't hurt." I laughed.

"Okay then. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

Winston finished packing before looking between me and my girls.

"Do you need help? I can hold a twin until we get to your car." He said sheepishly, making me grin in appreciation. We each took a twin before flicking off the lights and leaving the conference room.

The elevator ride and the walk to my car were done in a comfortable silence. Once we reached the parking lot, Winston waited for me to unlock the car doors before putting Alyssa inside. I followed suit and got April buckled in her seat. We then entered the front of the car, and I quickly started it up to get the heat running.

"This beats walking in the cold any day." He mumbled to himself, bringing his hand up to his mouth and blowing. I chuckled as I drove out of the parking space and started in the direction I assumed Winston's house was in.

"Feel free to direct me." I voiced a few seconds later.

"Oh. Sorry." He replied apologetically. "You have to drive six blocks straight before making a right and continuing for two more blocks."

"And that's what you consider a short distance?" I asked, referring to the day we got pizza together. "Do you know how long a Manhattan block is?"

"It's not that bad." Winston chuckled. "I don't mind the long walk. Besides, I would normally drive during the winter and hot summer days, but my car broke down."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can pick you up in the mornings if you'd like." I offered my services. There was no valid reason why I wanted to be around Winston so much. I assumed it was because we were now business partners, but my subconscious was letting me know that it was probably way more than that.

Did I have a crush on the man? What the hell is this, high school?

"I can't ask you to do that, Jonathan."

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't ask then. I offered."

"You're a very cheeky man; do you know that?" Winston questioned with a laugh.

"I've been told. Now, is that a yes?"

"It is, on one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"You let me pay all gas charges until my car is fixed."


"What? Why?!"

"I'm the one that-"

"Nope, not hearing it." He cut me off, childishly sticking his fingers in his ears. I could only laugh as I continued to drive.

"Okay. Okay. Fine." I said after some time.

"What was that? Couldn't hear you." He took his fingers out and grinned cheekily at me.

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