Chapter 2

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.:Author's Note:.

Ellis at the top


Winston's POV:

"Hi, my name is Winston, and I have HIV."

"Hi, Winston!" I received a chorused response. No matter how many times I've said the same lines when coming to this support group, the feelings these people invoked never seized to make me nervous.

"I've had HIV for almost ten years now." I sighed as I continued. "Um, I was fortunate enough to be diagnosed with the disease early so that I could get medication and not have it progress into AIDS. But, it's been... rough. Although HIV is not an airborne or touch transmitted disease, I try to avoid people at all costs. Honestly, this support group is one of the few reasons I'm ever out of my house. I work from home, the things I need I get delivered, and I talk to family members over the phone or through video calls. Basically, I try to keep to myself as much as possible."

"How did you get HIV?" A newcomer questioned. If this had been the first time I showed up to these sessions, I would've tensed up and had a mental breakdown. However, my rape has become something I've coped with and I was now able to talk about it as easily as saying my name.

"I was raped." I replied with a small shrug. "I fell victim to a total stranger in the midst of total heartbreak."

Before the newcomer could respond, the support group's leader's phone went off, signaling that time was up. I released a deep sigh as I stood from my seat as well as the other members.

"Thank you all for coming!" Macy, the leader, cheered. "We meet again in a month. Same date, same time!"

I grabbed my jacket from the back of my chair, trying to leave as quickly as possible. However, the newcomer came up to me before I could make a move. From what I remembered, his name was Ellis and he contracted HIV from a cheating ex-girlfriend. After recently finding out that he had the disease, he was recommended to join the support group.

"Um, Winston, hi." He said skeptically as he wrung his hands in front of him.

"Ellis. Can I help you?" I said back. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I did want to leave, and holding a conversation with someone was going to delay that process. Ellis' eyes widened a fraction as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I just kind of wanted to say hello, personally."

The blush that appeared on his face made me well aware of his intentions. I had to admit, it boosted my ego a bit to be nearly forty years old, yet still seem attractive to someone else. However, a relationship, or even someone to warm my sheets, was not something that I needed right now... or ever.

"Well, hello to you too. I must get going now." I replied as I was finally able to get my jacket on. I briskly walked past Ellis and headed out of the one-story community center.

The cold New York air nipped at my face, causing me to speed up my steps as I walked towards my car, seeing that I forgot my scarf at home. Once I was safely inside, I started up the ignition and blasted the heat full force.

A sudden knock on the window startled me and forced a frown onto my face as I looked at the culprit. Ellis was outside, bundled up in a jacket and scarf while he patiently waited for me to wind down the pane of glass. I contemplated just ignoring him and driving off, but after another moment to think, I concluded that that would just be plain rude. Sighing in annoyance, I cracked the window a bit, just enough that we could hear each other and I wouldn't be letting a lot of cold air in.

"I'm really sorry to bother you." He began before I could say anything. "But Macy told me that we should exchange numbers, you know, as a sort of sponsor thing."

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