Chapter 18

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.:Author's Note:.

Jonathan at the top. ❣️

Please excuse any mistakes. I'll properly edit this later.


Winston's POV:

"Can we get this shoot started?" Jonathan spoke quietly into my ear, causing me to jump since he seemed to appear out of nowhere. I quickly turned around to face him, immediately noting how he looked royally pissed off. "I want to get this over with."

"Yeah, sure we can." I answered after a few seconds. "I can tell the models to get into their demo outfits and have their makeup done. I'm sure we can finish in maybe two hours, hopefully, less. But something is bothering you. What's wrong, hon?"

Jonathan thought my question over before clenching his eyes tightly in frustration. "We'll talk about it after we finish here. Fuck, I need a blunt." He replied before walking away.

I frowned as I watched him leave, muttering something under his breath as he went. It probably wasn't the right time to point this out, but he was hot as hell when he was mad. Unfortunately, I had to dismiss that thought and focus on the fact that he most likely wasn't going to be in the right frame of mind today. Not only did I have to move today's events along quickly, but I also needed to get to the bottom of whatever had turned my boyfriend's mood sour. Fuck, it was going to be a stressful day.

"Okay, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, we need to get started. I want my models dressed and face beat in the next forty-five minutes." I called out, causing a large bustle of movement. "Everything you'll need is in the rooms. Our lights and background need to be set up in the meantime. I'll do rounds in about twenty minutes to make sure everyone is on track."

I received small choruses of understanding as everyone started doing what they needed to do. I searched through all of the chaos to find Jonathan, but he had successfully disappeared. After ten minutes, I figured he'd just show up when he was ready to. I did, however, send him a text letting him know that I needed him. Still no response.

"Excuse me." Someone voiced as they gave my shoulder a few, quick taps. I turned around to see who it was and came face to face with a short, brunette woman with long wavy hair. "Hi. I'm Amanda Vasiliev, the photographer. You must be Winston." She said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm Winston. It's nice to meet you. Vasiliev? Would you happen to be related to Marilyn?"

Amanda laughed as she nodded. "She's my wife."

"Oh." I said after a moment of surprise. "Wow. Not what I was expecting."

"Is that going to be a problem?" Amanda questioned, her demeanor suddenly changing from friendly to hostile.

"What? Of course not! This is the twenty-first century. Plus it would be hypocritical since my partner for this project also happens to be my boyfriend."

"You're dating Jonathan?!" She asked, now the one who seemed surprised.

"You know him?"

"Yes! Jonathan and I-"

"I would appreciate it if you didn't discuss personal matters in a place of work." Jonathan's gruff voice distracted me from the conversation I was having with Amanda. "Don't you have something to do, Mrs. Vasiliev?"

"I've been trying to find you for the longest!" I told him as he stopped beside me.

"Sorry, Win. I needed to go outside and catch some air."

"Jonathan, can we please talk?" Amanda cut in desperately before I could respond. I looked at the two in confusion. Now, more than ever, I was intrigued about how they knew each other. Were they ex-lovers?

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