Chapter 25

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.:Author's Note:.

Please excuse any mistakes.

This chapter is unedited because I've had this draft in the works for weeks now, and I wanted to give you all something before finals week begins.


Jonathan's POV:

"Mr. Russell, Dr. Patel is ready for you in the back." A nurse said to me as I sat in the waiting area of my doctor's office. Putting my phone in my pocket, I stood and followed her through the doors and into the examination room. There, my doctor was waiting for me at his desk with – what looked to be – my files in a folder.

"Jonathan." He greeted with a grin. "Please, have a seat. Thank you, Nurse Johnson."

"You're welcome, Dr. Patel." Nurse Johnson replied before she left the room, closing the door behind her. I sat in the seat across from Dr. Patel and took off my jacket, setting it to the side.

"Hey, Dr. Patel. Got any news for me?" I questioned.

"Not necessarily. This visit should be quick." Dr. Patel began. "Your blood test results show that your body is responding to the PrEP pills well. There aren't any unsafe side effects that you need to worry about. In addition to that, you are still HIV-negative, so no need for any further procedures. I assume you've been taking the HIV prevention medication daily since your last visit."

"Every morning." I nodded.

"Good. Good. Using condoms?"

"Yes." I answered bashfully. Doctor or not, talking about this – even at forty years old – was slightly embarrassing.

"Good. Good. Well, with the pills you're taking and the use of condoms, I see no reason for you to worry. However, getting tested every three months is still ideal. I wouldn't say that you're in the window period since you started the pills before beginning sexual activity, but anything can happen. It's really just a precaution. But, you're a grown man, and I'm sure you know how to take care of yourself."

"That, I do." I chuckled, causing Dr. Patel to do the same.

"Well, good! That's all, really. I'll send in a prescription for you at the pharmacy to get a refill. Do you have any questions?"

"Say I wanted to have unprotected sex with my boyfriend, will I be in harm's way?"

"Does he have a detectable viral load?"

"He does not." I answered. "He's been taking medication for over ten years now."

"Ah, then you'll be fine. You're both on meds, and since he has no detectable viral load, he can't necessarily pass the HIV virus on. Issues will only arise if he decides to stop taking his medication, which I doubt he will if he's been on it for so long."

"That's good to know."

"I bet it is." Dr. Patel smirked, making me laugh. "Anything else?"

"No, that's all." I replied. "Thanks, Doc."

"No problem, Jonathan. See you again in three months."

"Three months." I agreed as I stood from the seat and picked up my jacket. With a final wave, I left Dr. Patel's office and headed home.


"Daddy! Daddy! Look what Winston brought us!" Alyssa and April said to me as I walked through the front door. I glanced down at my girls to see them both with toy plush bunnies in their hands. One was pink and the other was purple.

"They're very cute, girls. Did you say thank you?"

"We did." Alyssa said before smiling widely. "Now we have Snowflakes of our own."

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