Chapter 11

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.:Author's Note:.

"Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day." - Ed Zeddmore (Supernatural)

Congrats to Germany for legalizing same-sex marriage! 🎉🙌🏾

Early update this week to make up for last week. 💜


Jonathan's POV:

Whenever Winston allowed himself to laugh or smile, he always lit up the room. I found myself watching him more than the vast array of comedic movies chosen by my sister. Six hours had passed since getting home earlier, and we've only gotten through three movies, but I would never be able to tell you what any of them were about. My attention was elsewhere.

"You know, you'd probably understand what was going on if you looked at the screen." Winston whispered to me, not wanting to wake Macy and the girls who were fast asleep on the pull out sofa. I decided to share the two-seater with him for obvious reasons. His scent, voice, looks, and entire being invaded my senses dramatically. Now, if only I could get another taste.

"I know, but I've got my eyes on something –or should I say someone more appealing." I replied teasingly, enjoying the deep red color that traveled up his neck and filled his cheeks.

Despite sitting in the dark, the brightness of the TV allowed me to see almost every feature on Winston's face. I noted how he had small freckles dotting his slightly crooked nose. His blue eyes were bright as they avoided eye contact with me. The hair growing on his face gave him a partially scruffy appearance, but there was no doubt that the look worked for him.

"Jonathan!" He whined quietly, trying to scoot away from me. However the arm I had thrown over his shoulder, before we started movie number two, kept him in place. "I am a grown man."

"That, I am well aware of." I said before kissing his neck. The shiver that raced down his spine made me smile while I continued. With no sound of rejection or any action for me to stop, I went a bit further by kissing slowly up to his jaw before turning his face so that his lips were on mine.

The movie, which I vaguely remembered to be "Spy" starring Melissa McCarthy, was forgotten as Winston engaged himself in the unsuspected smooching. I mindlessly grabbed the remote to pause the TV before pressing him into the couch and getting on top of him. Was this too fast? Did Winston think I was going too fast? Maybe I should stop.

Just as the thought crossed my mind and I tried to pull away, he surprised me by wrapping his arms around my neck and slipping his tongue past my lips. Oh, I like...

At the ripe age of forty, Winston made me feel like a pubescent teenage boy. His lips were intoxicating despite having been on my own only two times –three if you count this. There was a sudden need to kiss him, hold him, cherish him, and it set my entire body on fire.

I pressed more into Winston's figure, practically burying him between me and the couch. He didn't seem to mind as he moaned, gripping my hair to hold me closer. Our tongues lazily played with each other since neither of us was drunk on lust. I just wanted to taste him, feel him, and he seemed to have the same intentions.

However, our moment was cut short when a set of giggles reached my ears. I stopped kissing Winston, pausing to lick the line of saliva between us, before glancing over the couch to find my sister and twins giggling as they looked in our direction.

"Oh, no. Please don't stop on our watch." Macy joked, making me roll my eyes. I took back my seat at the corner of the couch, drawing Winston up so that he was no longer on his back, and instead pressed against my chest. The heat that seeped through my shirt let me know that he was blushing.

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