Chapter 28

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.:Author's Note:.

Trigger Warning - thoughts of suicide (nothing graphic)

I've become one of those authors who make empty promises about updates; I'm sorry. I always try to make it up with a lengthy chapter.

Completely unedited because I wanted to get this out to you all as quickly as possible.


Winston's POV:

Ten Years Ago

The phone slipped from my hand, hitting the floor with a deafening clatter as I sucked in a harsh breath.

A painful burn spread across my chest and my lungs felt like they were suddenly giving up on me. The room started to spin, but I gripped onto the edge of the counter, hoping to steady myself. The attempt was proven futile because in the next moment, my legs went limp and I found myself following my phone to the ground.

I landed roughly on my knees.

"Hello, Mr. Monroe? Are you there?" My doctor's voice sounded from a few inches away through the phone's receiver. I didn't have the strength, nor the voice, to answer him. My throat felt clogged and every time I tried to say something, nothing would come out.

My eyes welled up with tears before running down my cheeks, leaving a path of fire in their wake. Everything just hurt all of a sudden. It didn't help that I also felt absolutely nauseous.

I have HIV.

I have HIV.

I have HIV.

The more the phrase repeated in my head, the sicker I felt.


Why me?

How could I have let this happen?

My doctor continued to try and get my attention, but realistically, I could no longer hear what he was saying. I didn't want to hear what he was saying. What was the use?

I'm a dead man walking.

I threw up my breakfast instantly. My stomach clenched tightly as everything came out and landed in a messy puddle in front of me. The sight was ghastly, but I didn't have the will to clean it up once I was done. Instead, I wiped my mouth on the sleeve of my shirt before laying my heated face on the cool cupboards beside me.

I want to just die right here.

I bet that would be amazing – being dead. Anything was better than living with this incurable disease.

End it before it gets worse.

"Mr. Monroe, we were able to catch the disease early so you can start treatment for it right away. We don't have to allow it to progress into AIDS. Would you be willing to come in for a consultation?" I don't know if my phone was on speaker, but suddenly I could hear everything that my doctor was saying, and he was being too loud for my liking. "Usually, we would have waited to give this kind of information in person, but you are one of the few who was able to be aware of the virus before it was too late. I wanted to contact you immediately."

You should've waited, at least then I wouldn't have a chance of surviving.

"I know this is a lot to take in, and although I can't see you, I can take your lack of response as a reaction. Please, for your benefit, come in to see me as soon as possible. I wish you the best, Mr. Monroe. Goodbye..."

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