Chapter Two

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     Looking back now I can see where it all started falling apart. The way he would be so obsessive, the mood swings, I just never realized that it would come this far and that he would do such a thing. Yet, when things came to light I thought maybe he would change, but after each and every torture session before the marriage and the then the night he stole my innocence from me without a thought I new that then and there that there would be no saving a monster who sold his soul to the Devil himself or was even the Devil himself in a cloak of a Godly body here on earth. 

    Running after that hearing was the hardest thing in my life, I look around every corner as well as look behind me every second almost causing me to lose myself and fall to the ground luckily my body seems to be in Agreeance with me. Every time I feel like I may fall my body corrects itself as we flee to the airport to escape the city. I just need to escape before he gets his hands on me. I know now not to trust those cops or anyone. No one can take him down. He will destroy me and everyone who feels betrayed him. 

    Arriving at the airport I began to panic as I look to all the people and flights around me, movement catches my eye and I notice Randolph who is one of  Andrew's personal catchers, a really fine catcher I might add since he has only lost me once when the police took me into custody when I finally broke free. He doesn't look to pleased, my heart is racing as he is trying to maneuver over to me through the crowd. I begin to look for the flight, I booked it ahead while running here, I couldn't take  the chance to f being stopped, I had to be precise I needed to be on a plane that would be taking off not long after arriving here. Everything I do now needs to be precise on time in order to escape his grasp. 

     I had decided to go to Kentucky first, then the plan was to head to texas, where I would find a way to blend in and hopefully disappear. My heart races as I find the flight to Kentucky and board watch as Randolph looks more pissed than ever. I have a head start and from the tickets I bought I plan on taking a few layovers and misdirecting them, once  I feel that I have lost the tail I will begin to withdraw everything I have which isn't much at all in all honesty, it's money I stole from him before it all went down knowing this would be the only way to escape. I have enough for the run but once I reach Texas I will be down to enough for a week in a hotel and then I will be broke. I look down at my stomach and begin to sob. The one thing, the one thing that no one knows is that I am carrying this monsters child. The motherf*cker didn't wrap it up and left me with child. So far I'm around 3 months. I wore baggy clothes to all the hearings and court dates in order to hide it. I have yet to see a doctor to make sure  he never finds  out about this child. Once I am finally sure I don't have a tail and everything seems like it's clear I'm changing my name, looks and looking for a doctor to check to  make sure that my child is safe and all is well with me and child. 

    Sitting back and relaxing for the first time in years I began to doze in and out as the plane takes off and I breath a slight sigh of relief as I feel freedom within my grasp. "Soon little one soon we will be free my child." I speak down to the bump growing everyday inside of me, with hope for a better future for the both of us. 


    Landing in Kentucky I soon look for The flight to Wyoming, two more flights after Wyoming and I should be good. I keep my Guard up though just in case they have made it here or have people here already waiting. Finding the gate I make my way there when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. My heart stops immediately. "Don't even think of trying to run." The crackly voice whispers in my ear. I soon began to panic as I see my freedom slipping, he begins to turn me around when I start to scream at the top of my lungs and jab my shoulder back at him without looking back. I hear him grunt and fall as all eyes in the terminal land on me I book it to the entrance of the plane and board thanking my stars I was able to escape I may not be so lucky as I seem to have thought. Looking out the window of the plane I see a man in uniform standing there looking at me with sad eyes. I wonder why he looks so sad, yet I am glad to have escaped Andrew's man I just wish I could be safe.

      The plane soon takes off and we are headed to Wyoming. This one flight is hard because once I land there I have to book it as fast as I can because I will be just landing when the next flight will be due to stop boarding and be preparing for take off. I will be heading to Washington from Wyoming, once in Washington I will soon then head over to California from California I am heading to Texas. I'm hoping this cross country flying will help me evade Andrew and his men, once I land  in Washington I am withdrawing my money and paying cash for the last two flights to keep them off the radar. 


   Once I reach Wyoming I book it to the Washington flight running as fast as I can as well as trying to evade as many people as possible. I have been keeping track of my flights to make sure they weren't over booked or even delayed. Once I reach California I will ditch my phone to ensure they can't track that, everything is going fine so far. Once I reach the terminal for Washington and enter I look back to see another man in uniform watching me with saad eyes once again. I can't go to them or with them, they were no help with the case against Andrew even after I gave them everything I could on him, they couldn't keep him from getting to me like they promised, they can't save me, all they will do is bring him closer to finding me. I let the tears fall for a little while as the pain begins to build a little over everything I have had to give up and lose in order  to be with Andrew as well as to leave him. 

   "Two more flights, and hopefully I can be free for good."  I whisper to myself. Here's to hoping little one, here's to hoping I think. 


     Finally reaching the Terminal for Texas I feel myself slowly  breath a sigh of relief as well as feel a weight leave my shoulder. I can finally escape this mess. I drop my phone into the trash can beside a terminal for Utah and make my way back over to my terminal to leave. I can't have them knowing any hints to where I might have went. Once I arrived here at the california terminal I changed my clothes as well as hid from any cameras and ditched anything they could use to identify or track me. I left all my personal belongings, and identification in  the bathroom after raiding someone's luggage for a change of clothes. and a cap as well as sunglasses. I then walked to all  the terminals and even walked out side then switched the shirt as well as switched the cap with a couple spares I had found in the person's luggage just to be safe, then re entered the airport to head to my terminal. I wasn't taking any chances of them finding me, at least I hope not to. Half way through the flight to California I had switched the phone off, just to be extra cautious. I can't take any chances. Once on the flight to Texas I let the few tears of joy and freedom slide down my face as I welcome the flight with open arms to see an new and sun shining day for me and the little one growing inside me.  

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