Chapter Seventeen

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Walking out the onto the patio we walk down the path leading to I'm guessing the garden. Once back in the garden we come face to back with a giant of a man, he looked to be at least an inch shorter than Xavier, but he was all muscle he had muscle on top of muscle. I stepped back a foot feeling the fear snake up my spine causing slight panic to rise in my chest. 

"Ma'am meet my uncle Tony" Liam says as his uncle turns around and I see the scar running along his face from his chin to right to the corner of his left eye. Panic builds quick and I back up more. The muffled sounds of Liam trying to ask me what's wrong sounds like I'm underwater. 

A set of hands land on my shoulder causing me to scream in absolute terror. "Luna!" A loud booming voice has me cower away placing my hands in front of me for protection. "Luna listen to my voice please, I am not going to harm you, I'm going to take my hands off of you and I will take a step back. If you don't calm down I will need to call one of three people. I can either call the Alpha and Beta or I can call the Omicron." He explains to me in a deep but relaxing voice.

"Please don't call them, they don't know I left, I don't want to face them."

He nods his head as he then waits patiently for me to calm down. I look to Liam with hope as well as fear in my eyes. I need him close, he makes me feel safer than Tony. Andrew never hurt me when I had a child nearby. He loved children, but he hated me and he would want to take my children to raise them as monsters and to hate me as well.  "Liam" I barely whisper and soon he walks over to me and engulfs me in a hug and in this moment I realize just how small I am, this thirteen year old is just as tall as I am as well as the fact he's a little taller at that. My head rests on his shoulder and I begin to sob a little. 

"Ma'am it will be ok, he would never hurt you, he's just the opposite, he's the safest thing for you. He will protect us if we were to come across anything on the outing. I will have him walk behind us. He will keep at a distance but he will keep an eye on us. Please Luna, I can't have anything happen to you while we are out. I just shifted on my birthday a month ago. I'm just a pup I'll barely be able to defend us this is why my uncle Tony is coming. He's the best war general out of the three we have. Zeta's are over all out warriors." 

Nodding my head at him understanding his position I then glance over to Tony who has a solemn look on his face. "Please could you hold my hand and stay by me?" I ask softly as to keep Tony from hearing me. 

"Of course Luna." Liam smiles gently at me as if coaxing a turtle out of it's  shell. "Now let's head out, he will follow behind us at a distance where he will still be useful but not overwhelming to where we notice him." Nodding my head once more in agreeance we are off. Liam ensures that once we pass Tony I am far enough away and that Tony would have to get through Liam first. 

As we begin walking I feel a little relief, only a little seeing as I still feel Tony watching and close by still. After a while of walking through the garden Liam begins to head down a beaten path, one that looks worn down by people through the years, a secret off the trail path. I look at him with questioning eyes. "Just trust me Luna you will love the site I will show you." 

We walk down the path and I look at all the beautiful trees as well as flowers. "So if you don't mind me asking, how far along are you luna?" Liam questions to break the silence. 

"I'm four months along with twins. What is a Omicron? I heard Tony mention it earlier." I ask in curiosity. 

"An Omicron is lead therapist, we have Pi who are under the therapist. They know how to resolve a lot of issues, as well as how to calm someone down." 

"What are some other positions you guys have?" This is different than what I've ever read. Most people talk of Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega. They have Pi, Omicron, Zeta, what else could there be? 

"Well we have Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda. They are our high ranking wolves. Let's start with them today as to not overwhelm you with too much. Now you know the Alpha, Beta, as well as the Zeta and Eta." Liam explains to me. 

"Wait what's an Eta?"

"Those are the warriors. I forgot to mention their actual title which is Eta."

"I believe I've heard of a Gamma, they are the heads of the warriors I thought?"

"See that is what the stories tell, they cut out a lot of our rankings and use them how they would like. Our Gamma is actually our oldest and wisest in the pack. They help to pass on info as well as history. They also help the Alpha with the decisions in order to get a different and more mature understanding."

"That's different, but good I guess. So what about a Delta?"

"The Delta's are our messengers, we don't have a huge need of them much anymore due to technology and all, but we do use them more in times of war and battles in order to relay messages across when we are all in our wolf forms." 

"Now an Epsilon is our Guardians, they protect us and keep watch. They have been Zeta, Eta's as well as Iota's at one point or another. They try to resolve issues peacefully, but will resort to violence when the need arises." 

"Theta's are our lead medics, the Iota's are medics that aspire to one day be Theta's. Last but not least we have  the Kappa and Lambda. The Kappa are lead hunters and Lambda are the hunters." 

All the information seems so much, thinking over all he gave me I realize there is so much more I have yet to learn and this is already a lot as it is. 

"On our next walk  we can discuss the mid ranking wolves. Now though we have arrived."  I look around us to see a nice meadow with a pond in the middle of it. The scene is so beautiful I just stare in awe at it. Walking to a nice shady part I lay down in the grass and look up at the trees as well as the sky and just enjoy the peace this all brings me. 

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