Chapter Six

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Arriving at the tavern I see that  it's slow so far inside, once I reach the bar I find a beautiful woman around the age of 40 or so with Auburn hair and almost grey eyes. I smile kindly at her as I look around. "I'm Rose" I comment as she is finished with the customer. She rounds the bar and hugs me close. 

"Welcome to Uncertain Tavern, I'm Francine, you met my son Jimmy the other night, we also have another fellow named Alex that works here as well." She says smiling at me as she pulls me behind the bar. "Now do you know anything about tending to a bar?" She asks me. I nod my head shyly as I recall all the times I had to be sexy bartender for Andrew and his crew wearing nothing but a bra and panties parading around for all to see. 

"I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do." I said timidly. She smiled brightly as she let me start taking over at the bar while she went to the back and to stock the bar and take care of customers on the floor. 

"Evening sunshine" Said a man in his late fifties as he smiled at me with his yellow teeth. I Smiled back kindly in reply knowing this might not be as easy as the other two jobs. 

"Evening Sir, what can I get you?" Replying in a sunny manner in order to appease the man.

"Well do they have a side  of you on the menu?" He jokes with a twinkle in his eye. 

"Sorry sir, I'm not on the menu but I could offer you an old fashioned if you would like?" 

The smile that lit up his face was something genuine. "Hey Franny!" He hollers over the ruckus. "Yeah Duke" She hollers back. "I like this lady, got my drink right without me telling her" He grins as he hollers at her. I finish the drink as they are talking back and forth and hand it over to him. Once he sips it he smacks down a $20. Leaving me a fifteen dollar tip. 

"Little lady, if you keep that up you may just break an old man's heart." He says grinning at me. I smile kindly and began attending to the other customers. The shift was from 8pm to 2am I was exhausted by the time I was finished. I called for a cab to take me back to the lodge and was ready to enjoy my night of rest coming to me. 

Arriving back at the lodge I was thrilled to be at my cabin and to be able to shower and rest. Hector had sent me a text along with Francine letting me know my schedule. With Hector I would work Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. With Francine I would be working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I was glad I only had two days that I had to work all three jobs, but with the MoonGlow lodge I wasn't exactly sure of the schedule she wanted me to work exactly yet. 

Entering the cabin I went to the closet gathered all the clothes I needed for a shower and a nice relaxing night. I Showered quickly as the exhaustion was getting to me and the baby. So once done showering I dressed quickly set my alarm and laid in bed letting sleep swallow me. 


"Phoebe" The voice whispers and shivers run down my spine. Fear slowly crawls up my neck, as all I can do is try to wiggle myself free from its grasp. "Don't try and fight me you little b*tch. we both know you like things rough, but I don't have the time for your games you f*cking wh*re" He seethes into my ear as he tears the clothes from my body. I start to panic and my voice comes back to me.

"Please Dominic don't do this." I shout but he doesn't listen as he begins to slide the knife into my side making me scream as tears stream down my face. The lust in his eye burns bright as he sees the blood seeping out the wound he created. I cry out in agony as he begins to create one of the x's on my body that mark letting everyone know that I am damaged and belong to Andrew. I was his property. Soon the agony consumes me and I let the darkness consume me....


Waking up in a cold sweat do to the nightmare I look at the clock and see the red flashing lights showing the time to be 6:45. I sigh as I realize I wasn't going to get much sleep. Today being Sunday I wouldn't be working at the bar or the Cafe which meant I needed to go to the Main lodge and talk with Agnes about a schedule and after working head to town in order to get some groceries. 

After Dressing in another pair of leggings and a loose fitting top I head to the main lodge to see Agnes standing there watering the plants in lounge and s whistling a tune. 

"Good Morning Agnes how are you today?" I say as I walk in.

She turns smiling brightly at me as I walk over and hug her gently. "I'm doing swell my dear. So the OB called and we have an appointment next week on thursday." I smile thankful for her kindness. 

"Thank you Agnes you're too good to me. I did want to get with you about a schedule though, I already have my other two work schedules I just need to work one out with you." She looks at me a little shocked.

"What do you mean other two jobs dear?" I look at her a little ashamed and explain.

"I need the three jobs to help support me and this baby, I need to get stuff together as well as eventually get an apartment." I explain a little ashamed at the pity she shows me. 

"Where is the father at young lady?" She asks me almost angered, which I assume is because she feels he needs to help.

"Agnes, to be honest, he doesn't know and it's for the best. For my safety as well as my child's safety." I sigh sadly, trying to get away from this topic I change it to something more upbeat and get back on track. 

"So I was thinking of going to town today after working here and getting groceries would you and Greg like to have dinner with me later so I can thank you both for being so wonderful and helping me out?"  I question her with hope. She looks a little distracted, and  shakes her head a little. 

"Sorry deary, me and Greg had plans to go out with Tony and Frank this evening for a dinner, but you are more than welcome to join us I'm sure of it." I look down and shake my head.

"Nonsense, that was a dinner for you guys, I will join you guys another time, maybe I will just catch up on some extra sleep or something. I'm gonna head to work Agnes thank you."

After talking with Agnes I began working and she met with me later after she put a schedule together for me. With the MoonGlow lodge I would be working Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This was good news to me so I would be able to work around each schedule and still have some down time on certain days. 

After working at the lodge I headed into town to grocery shop, so I could eat before work and not have to head to the cafeteria. While out I decided to stop at the cafe and eat since I had yet to do so and I was beginning to feel the baby as well as myself feel the effects of not eating. Arriving at the Cafe I notice things are a little slower. I walk over to the counter and sit noticing the girl I saw when I first stopped in here. I finally noticed her name tag which read Chrissy. I smiled at her kindly as she walked over. 

"Hey Sugar, heard ya got the job, congrats. What can I get for ya?" She asked me smiling brightly. 

"Well I would like a steak and potatoes with some sweet tea please, and thank you, I really need this job" I commented back and gave her my order as I smile kindly to her. After finishing the door rings as it's opened by none other than Mr. Uniform Greek God, or Should I say Xavier. My knees are weak but I am thankful to be sitting down. 

Hector walks out from the back, glances at me and see Xavier. "Rose my office, Xavier let's go. Chrissy the usual" He spoke with such demand, and I blinked shocked at what he said. Why did I need to go to his office? Was I fired? I wasn't even working right now what the hell?

"Sir, she has an order in would you like me to bring it along with ya'lls?" Chrissy asks Hector, who only replies with a grunt. Soon I feel my shoulder being grasped slightly as I look up I see it's Xavier who is leading me to the back office following behind Hector. 

What the hell is going on and why are they taking me to the back? 

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