Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Hector." His name leaves my lips in a whisper, the broken man before me is not the man I knew a just close to a month ago. This man looks nothing like him. The soul looks to be leaving his eyes, he's void, there is an emptiness looking at him in the eyes as if he's off in some other place. 

"My dearest Phoebe, you think I would let them keep me away from you?" Whispers Hector, looking at his eyes, one is grey while the other is a soulless black, a shiver runs down my spine at the thought of what Andrew and his beasties are doing to poor Hector. 

"Leave him be, why can't you let me go!? I don't want you Andrew, you destroyed me!" I scream at him in anger. I feel sparks tingling my fingers as the anger surges in me. 

"Ah Ah Ah my love, there is more to you than you know. There are secrets even your beloved twins don't know." A wicked gleam sparks in his eyes.

"What are you talking about." A feeling surges in my chest one that I don't understand, one that makes me want to unleash hell on earth. Soon thunder sounds from outside. 

"My love you need to calm your anger. The Tempestas in you is wanting to be unleashed. The world as well as yourself is not ready for what you will unleash on this earth."

"What the F*CK are you talking about?"

"Tempestas? What do you know of them Andrew?" Questions Tony. I look over at Tony in question as to what his point is. 

"Little Phoebe here is a Tempesta, you may want to keep her calm especially while pregnant. Do you know the kind of power our children will wield love?"

"What is he talking about Tony? What are you blabbering on about now Andrew? What more are you keeping from me?"  

"They are extinct Andrew, you destroyed them all."

"All but her, I kept her hidden until she was of time to use. I came back for her and sowed my seeds, I have the ultimate weapons growing within her now."

"We need to leave now Rose."

"What? I want to talk to Hector!" A boom sounds off in the distance and scares me making me jump as well as cling to Tony for safety.  "What is going on out there?" 

"You are going on out there. We need to leave and leave now."

"What!?" I get cut off as Tony grabs me and carries me bridal style out of the room. Everything's a blur as he rushes us out of the building and into a terrible storm that feels like the fear as well as the anger coursing inside of me at the moment. 

"Calm down Rose."

"How can you tell me to calm down when I didn't even get to talk to Hector and not only that I am being called a name that I don't even know by the BOTH OF YOU AND YOU WON'T TELL ME WHAT IT IS!" I start screaming at him and suddenly a crack of lightning hits a tree about 25 yards out from us making me scream and squeeze Tony tighter.

"That is why you need to calm down." 

"What are you talking about!?" Thunder rumbles in the distance as all these feelings burn inside of me. The rage roaring inside me feels like a fire trying to burn down the forest around us. I feel my fingers sparking once again as everything and everyone around me is keeping things from me. Soon something is pulling me from Tony, yet he just tries to grip me tighter. 

"Hold on Rose, Xavier is on his way right now." 

Screaming out as everything floods me and anger takes over. I feel waves of electricity shooting from me as I can''t keep calm. No one wants to tell me things. Everything is a lie it seems. All they have been doing is using me and keeping secrets. I feel the wind pulling me from Tony as I am lifted and Lightning shoots from the sky closer than before. Screaming out I unleash all my anger as I feel it pulsing in my veins. Thunder roars like a powerful voice finally breaking free from the chains of confinement for the first time in a hundred years. 

Closing my eyes I let the power I feel surge within me pulling me to break free from my fears, let the world feel and know the power I hold within me. 

"ROSE!" Xavier's voice breaks through the swell of power as well as the voices enveloping inside me. Looking around I see the storm brewing around us as well as the fact that I am in the middle of everything about 20 feet in the air. Shock as well as slight fear encases my heart as everything starts to hit me at once.  

I am the cause of this. Once the realization hits me I feel everything dissolve as well as the wind that was holding me up, gravity taking its force back with a vengeance. Screaming out as I come down hard and fast.

Falling into Xavier's arms I sigh a breath of relief as tears make their way down my face. "What the h*ll am I Xavier."

"You are Rose, nothing will change that love. Little one you just have something extra special about you is all. There is nothing wrong with you my little flower. Nothing is wrong you are fine." He whispers soothing words to me as the storm leaves us as well as my stomach. Exhaustion slowly creeps around me. 

"Can we head back, I'm really tired." I hum to Xavier as I cuddle into him further. 

"Of course little Rose."

We began heading back to the house as Tony and Xavier talked while I listened. 

"So what the h*ll just happened?" Questions Xavier. 

"Well Andrew was present of course with Hector hiding. Andrew mentioned how she needed to control herself as well as her emotions that  the world as well as herself was not ready for what she was about to unleash. He also mentioned what she was...." 

"What did he say she was?" Xavier asked with worry in his tone. 

"A Tempesta...." 

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