Chapter Fourteen

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"Little Rose." A voice sounds through the silence. I feel myself slowly start coming to and I hear a monitor with the sound of triple heartbeats. I sit up quickly startled as well as worried over the babies. Xavier and Hector jump back while Lilly looks at me and gently begins to come closer to me worried I may freak out or break down. 

"How are they? Did I hurt them?" I begin stumbling over myself in worry. 

"Sweety they are just fine, they are perfectly fine." She coos trying to ease my mind. 

"Thank goodness." I sigh in relief. The men look at me with worry as well as sadness. 

"Thank you Lilly we will take over from here." Announces Xavier.

"Yes Alpha" Lilly begins packing her things and heading out. Once she has left the room They approach me cautiously. "What happened?" I question them. 

"How do you know Xavier's wolf Echo?" Hector questions me almost in sadness.

"I used to dream about these two wolves. Echo and Boots. They were always there protecting me from nightmares." Once I mention this to them Hector's face shows the confusion we all seem to feel. 

"How is it that you know our wolves but they don't know you?"

"I'm not sure, I just know that I dreamed of them and played with them in my dreams." 

"Are you sure they were dreams?" Hector ponders it over and it appears that Xavier is doing the same.

"I think they were my dreams, they ended around just around when I met Andrew." I tell them. Thinking back on it it was really weird how the dreams were. 

"We will look into that for the meantime that isn't too much of a concern. What really bothers us is the screaming you were doing. Is everything ok?" 

Blushing slightly I bow my head as I feel embarrassed for awakening them to come check on me over my nightmares. 

"It was just a nightmare is all." 

"Are you going to be ok? Do you need to talk about it?" The ever worried Hector, he seems to be the quiet moody but compassionate one. Thinking it over I don't want to sleep alone, but I don't want the both of them here with me. Looking to Hector he seems to be hurting from all the women that have used him or even ignored him for his high ranking brother. I feel my heart ache for him, having to hide in his brother's shadows because others wanted the power that would come with being with Xavier. Thinking over all of this I know what I would like to do.

"Can.... Can Hector stay with me?"  Xavier's head shoots up and there are so many emotions running through his eyes that I can barely catch them all, the most overwhelming emotions I see though are sadness, understanding awe, and appreciation. Hector seems to be in shock and slight worry, I think he's worried that Xavier might feel hurt over the fact that I have asked for him instead. 

"Of course little Rose. It will cost you a hug though." Xavier jokes with me while winking. I smile at him and nod my head. Leaning in to hug me he whispers in my ear.  "You will make a fine Luna and Beta Female, thank you so much." The emotion in his voice as well as the weight of his words bring me to a slight pause. Once he pulls away he looks to Hector with the most stern and dominate face I have ever seen on anyone. "Behave Hector." The power and authority behind his words and voice bring shivers down my spine. I watch as the both of them smell the air and grunt slightly.

"Control yourself little Rose." Hector and Xavier groan out. I flush with embarrassment. 

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick Hector." Running in the bathroom I splash my face with cold water and calm myself. Once I feel better I step out to find that Hector has made himself comfortable on the couch in the room. His body looks so big compared to the love seat in the room. I sigh and make the decision to let him bunk with me. It's a california queen, he has enough room to keep his distance. 

"Hector, you can join me in the bed if you'd like. Just keep to your side and we will be good." He smiles like a little boy in the candy store, jumps up and walks over to the bed with me. 

"You know I'm honestly surprised you wanted me to sleep here. I figured if anything Xavier would make you feel safe." He kind of mumbles the last half. 

"Hector, can I be honest?" 

"Of course!" 

"I feel safe with the both of you, but Xavier explained some things to me as well as the fact that he intimidates me a little more than you do. You have an air of dominance but you also seem to have that soft side that I can see in your eyes. I feel others take advantage of that, I don't want to be that person. I want to care for the both of you equally, but it seems Xavier doesn't need as much reassurance. No offense."

Sighing as well as looking a little down he bows his head a little. "I don't want your pity." He grumbles. 

"That is by no means what is happening here Hector." I try to explain but soon I see him get up, the anger radiating off him throws me. 

"You just said so yourself. I need more reassurance than Xavier, that he told you about how all the women chose to be with him more as well as the fact that they wouldn't care for me. " The venom in his words sting my heart, he looks at me with disgust. I feel tears build in my eyes. 


"No!" He roars out at me making my body shake slightly in fear and worry. "You will not pity me or think that you will pretend to put me first all the while you are trying to gain more ground with Xavier. I am over this you can have him. I won't be played a fool again and I won't put my brother out again. He can have your lies and deceit." Soon his eyes are clouding over. Once his eyes are clear his looks at me with such hate I drop my head and begin to let the tears fall as well as sob lightly. I hear the door slam shut knowing he has left me here alone. 

I lay back in the bed, curling into the fetal position I place my hands on my stomach and just try to soothe myself for my children. I don't understand where I went wrong. I was trying, I was feeling a happiness I haven't felt in so long. I was hoping that I could learn to love them and be with them both. Hector was special to me for his calm quiet demeanor. he made me feel as though I could be safe with him, now I worry he could hurt me. 

The angry that was coming off him in waves felt like when Andrew was mad at me. I don't know what to do. The sobs seem to be dying on my lips slightly. Soon I hear the door crack open and a scream tears through me. 

"Please don't hurt me I didn't mean to. I swear I didn't mean to upset him sir. Please I have learned my lesson." I shot up in bed to see Xavier, I couldn't look at his face though, not only that I began to curl into myself to protect me as well as the babies. 

"Shhhhh. Little Rose calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." I don't listen as he talks but when he tries to come closer I scream more trying to get away from him as quick as I can. I shoot out of bed and run to the bathroom before he can reach me. Once there I slam the door in his face and lock the door. 

"Little Rose, I can come in there anytime I want you know." The scream that tears through me as well as the begging and pleading must have worried him enough over him coming in the room to hurt me. 

"Ok I won't I will stay here for the night if you need me." I sob and curl up on the floor holding myself together. I can't stop the shakes, or the flashes that come to mind of all the beatings as well as torture. Through it all my body finally succumbs to sleep from exhaustion. 

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