Chapter Twenty Five

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Waking up everything was foggy at first and  my mind was slow to acknowledge what brought us here, or where here was exactly. Looking around I see that I am back in my room at Xavier and Hector's pack. Looking around the room I noticed it looks as if someone has done some redecorating in here, and not the good kind either. All along the walls are claw marks digging into the paint, the curtains are shredded hanging barely by a thread, the clothes are all torn out of the closet and looks to have been made into a bed on the floor of some sort. The door looks to be clawed as well and glancing down on the floor I see Boots curled up at the entrance blocking anyone or anything from coming in. 

"Boots?" I question softly as to not startle him. Beedy silver eyes glance at me with caution. "Hey Boots, what happened?" I question even though I remember I need to try and be civil and see if I can get him to retreat back and bring Hector out. Slowly but surely Boots stretches out his beautiful body and soon he begins to give the reigns over to Hector as I watch him shifting before my eyes. 

"Rose." Comes his hoarse whisper as he gazes at me.

"What's going on Hector?" I question him with caution trying not to demand him or frustrate him. 

"You're home Rose." He smiles with such joy as if he didn't kidnap me. 

"Hector what happened? Why am I here?"

"I brought you home with me, I couldn't allow them to poison your mind further." 

"What are you talking about?"

"They tried to take you from me, they tried to get you to hate me and see me as a bad person! I'm not Rose, I'm good, I'm good for you!" He snaps. Looking at him he seems wild and out of it. Worry seeps through my pores as I begin to piece things together, he's snapped, had a psychotic break of some sorts it seems.

"Hector where is everyone?" The growl that comes from him has me cowering further into the headboard trying to escape him. 

"You mean my brother don't you!?" Roars Hector as he begins pacing, soon he is clawing along the wall while mumbling things to himself. 

"No I mean the pack Hector, I am worried for them, Xavier can find someone else, I only want you." I say to him thinking fast trying to ease his crazy mind. 

"They are out there, they keep trying to take you from me." 

"They wouldn't do that, they just want to see me I'm sure. They need to meet the Beta female am I correct?" 

Light shines in his eyes as he glances at me with such hope it breaks my heart. "Yes they do! But not if they will harm you or our pups!" 

"They wouldn't! You would be there to keep us safe! I trust you." I say to him hoping to get away from him or be able to ask for help. 

"I can keep you safe my love." He whispers with love in his eyes as well as happiness. It breaks me to know that the Hector I first met is gone right now and this replacement is possibly hurting him or keeping him caged inside his mind. 

"Can we go see the pack doctor? I want to check to see if our pups are ok." I try to reason with him. 

"Wait, I need to check to see if there is anyone around." He soon unlocks the door and checks around, once he finds the coast is clear he then walks over to me. I have to hide the fear in my eyes as I allow him to pick me up bridal style and carry me out. As Hector walks out he begins heading down the halls. Soon we encounter people and I try my hardest to plead with them with my eyes to help me. They all look at me with worry as well as sorrow. 

"Don't even think to try and do anything! SHE IS MINE!" Booms Hector as we continue walking to the pack clinic.

Once in the clinic he demands the pack doctor Lilly to come over and begin her assessment as well as to give us a preview of the babies. 

"Hector the babies and I are hungry, I don't remember the last time we ate." I try to get him to leave.

"I'll link a pack member to make you something."

"NO!" I yell and then begin to think up a reason in order for him to leave and make it himself. "What if they poison it?" I question him in hopes that he will go to make it himself. 

"Sh*t you're right. I'll be back I'll let the guards know as well as the doctor." 

Soon he is walking out the door and I am sighing in relief. Lilly barges into the room once Hector is out of the clinic. 

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Are the babies moving ok?" She questions quickly. 

"I'm fine but what is going on?"

"Beta Hector has had a psychotic break from his wolf and the shadows. We have been trying to get him alone as well as trying to get to you to keep you away from him but he's been with you since you both arrived. I have someone following him and soon they should be injecting him with a sedative that could take down 2 elephants. The shadow's seem to be taking him over and controlling him were not sure how his wolf is handling everything." 

Sighing I begin to worry about Xavier. "Where is the Alpha?" I question with worry since I haven't seen him as of yet. Looking at her I see her with tears welling in her eyes slightly. "What!?" I question further demanding answers. 

"He's been wounded badly, after he found Hector, well Hector beat him pretty bad. He's alive but he isn't listening and he's making himself weaker." 

"Where is he?" I question and once the words slip out of my mouth we hear a roar. 

"They are taking him down now. They were able to sedate him and they are now trying to take him to the basement to chain him so when he wakes he won't be able to harm or attack anyone."

"Will he be ok?"

"Yes but he won't be too happy. I will need to go down and help him overcome the shadows as well as get his mental health in order." 

Soon Xavier comes marching through the room and is beside me at once glancing all over me trying to find any signs of an injury. 

"Thank goodness you are safe!" He sighs with content. 

"Now you need to lay down and relax Mr." I demand him as he glances at me with shock.

"Lilly tattled didn't she." 

"Yes and you need to lay down and recover, no if's and's or but's about it Mr." Soon he is sliding in next to me on the bed. "What are you doing?" I question him with shock in my voice. 

"I need to know you are safe and protected if I am to relax and heal." Sighing I agree and allow him to lay down and relax beside me as I lay there watching him. 

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