Chapter Twelve

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After our conversation things seemed to be a little lighter for me and Hector. We both seemed to have felt a weight lift off our shoulders. I watched as a sparkle gleamed in his eyes as he observed me. Soon we hear a cough and look up to see Xavier watching us with a look of relief it seems. 

"Have you both resolved some issues?" He asks us with a little bit of hope. It seems that Xavier will always take into account Hector and his feelings when it comes to their partner. I smile in wonder at him. The thoughtfulness he gives as well as the respect for his brother. 

"Yes we have, thank you Xavier." Hector says with appreciation. Knowing that Xavier has given up on finding someone for himself when he has had many suitors just to please his brother makes me respect him all the more.

"Thank you both for the chance to prove myself to the both of you. I will give it a try but please know I'm not perfect." I say slightly worried I may let them down.  

"Now that we have the air clear then we shall take things as slow or fast or however you would like. We will not rush you into anything. Being Luna as well as Beta Female is going to be a lot of pressure and you may want to wait to be introduced or even wait to be marked  to ensure you don't put too much pressure on the little ones growing inside you." Explains Hector as he places his hands on my belly and begins to rub it as if he were their father. I smile with a little sparkle of tears at the raw moment that will remain with me forever. 

The kindness they have both showed me is something I can never forget or take advantage of. 

"How about we get to know each other in the time that we have until the babies are born? That way we can kind of build a foundation for this as we wait?" I mention to them in hopes to gain more  knowledge from them and to then figure my role out between them. 

"That sounds like a plan Little Rose." Xavier looks at me with such happiness I can't hardly breath. These men seem to take my breath away with the simplest off looks. 

A knock sounds on the door and Xavier and Hector speak at the same time "Enter" which brings out a slight giggle from me. They look back at me with what appears to be admiration and awe. 

A beautiful woman enters who looks to be in her late twenties with long blonde hair that reaches her waist. Her bright emerald green eyes shine like with mischief as well as amusement. She looks like a model who just walked off the runway and into my room. I feel slightly insecure as I watch her look the men up and down as if she wants them. She then walks over with the tray of food in her hands. I smile at her in appreciation and my little minions grumble in my tummy making my face flush with embarrassment.\

My little grumbling tummy seems to have alerted her to the fact that I am eating for three. Soon a look of disgust is written on her face and she turns her nose up as she begins to exit. Right before she walks out the door she turns to Xavier. "Alpha if you need anything  and I mean anything let me know." Her double meaning seemed to be ignored by Xavier but Hector looked over at me with slight pity in his eyes. 

I turned a glare ot Xavier, the look in my eyes had to relay how angry or irritated I must have felt. He blinked back at me with such confusion and ignorance it made me scoff. "So is this something that will happen often?" I question him with a slight grumble in my voice. 

"What will happen often? Hector can you help me out here?" Xavier looks to Hector for some help but Hector just shakes his head at him. 

"Girls throwing themselves at you!" I shout a little taking all of us back a little. I cower down a little and bow my head ashamed that I did such a thing. "I'm sorry sir I should never had done or said that." I apologized profusely.

I feel a finger under my chin lifting my head to meet Xavier's eyes that draw me in a trance. The blue as an ocean eye contrasting so strongly with the green as moss eye. I blink quickly trying to pull myself out of trance I have found myself in. "Listen and listen closely little Rose. I will not choose another over you. When me and Hector find something we like we share. If we cannot share then we will give it up. I would never put you or him in a position where you would feel that I am unfaithful. I don't even acknowledge the women who flirt with me for my title none the less. Please don't doubt me." He begs slightly. I nod in understanding I just didn't like how he was being flirted with it made me worried.

"I just was worried, she was prettier." I don't get to rant long before I am cut off by a growl of disapproval making me shiver in fear and excitement as well as a slight familiarity. I'm not sure why it seems familiar. 

"Let's eat, those little ones are hungry and we do not want to deprive them." Xavier says to us as he reaches out and rubs my belly. I smile at them and ask them a  question that seems to confuse me so. 

"You both are willing to raise these babies as if they were your own? Aren't wolves protective of their partners? Won't they be mad that I am carrying another man's child?" I ask shyly to them. 

"You see you would think that, but they are more protective of you and the babies knowing that the babies as well as you are running from the man that did this to you. In due time we would like to know more about everything that happened. We know though that it will take time." Xavier explains.

"I understand I guess..." A shiver runs through me as I see light flashes before my eyes of all the nightmarish things that Andrew did to me, the knives, belts, whips and chains. How he would beat me unconscious over me just looking him in the eye. "Yes, time. I will need time before I can tell you all of what I went through. 

"We understand, we have all the time in the world. Remember that's what we are waiting on anyways is the babies to be born before we even mark or claim you as ours. We can still do other things in the meantime while waiting for the birth but we won't do that until you are ready." I smile at them with happiness that they respect me so much to do this. 

"Let's eat!!" I tell them as we dig into all the food that was brought up to us. 

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