Chapter Five

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  After eating breakfast I joined Agnes in the laundry/ linen room. "Alright, so these are the keys to all the rooms, there are 5 guests who are still checked in and 5 just checked out this morning. Now with the 5 that are still here you must knock on the door and ask if they would like fresh linens or their room to be tidied, if not then write the room number down and we will check back tomorrow with them. Now you can figure the washer and dryer out on your own I'm guessing?" She questions me. I nod my head as she heads out to the front desk. I begin to load the trolley with the linens as well as all the cleaning supplies. Excited to begin working. 

I begin at the very first cabin which is a room that hasn't been used I check the room over and tidy things over as well as check if anything needs changed or removed.  I do this for the remainder of the day, 4 out of the 5 still checked in had me change the linen as well as clean and tidy the cabins, the 4th had no answer so I didn't intrude. As the day progressed I could feel my limbs ache but in a good way since they haven't had to do this  kind of work for the past 6 years. Soon I hear my phone ringing and I check the time which shows 12:15 and I had 2 more rooms to clean. I saw it was an unknown but figured it was probably one of the jobs I applied to yesterday. Answering on the third ring before they hung I spoke in a cheerful tone in hopes to gain a new job. "Rose Ivy Jones speaking how can I help you?" I question the person calling me. Listening closely to who may be calling me I hear a feminine voice comment back.

"Hello Miss Jones, I'm Francine of Uncertain Tavern. You put an application in the other night with my son Jimmy, I was calling to see if you could work tonight starting at 8pm?" I was smiling so hard I thought my cheeks were going to split in half. 

"YES!" I just about shouted down the phone, calming myself down I replied back with an excited yes as well as a thank you. She told em she would see me tonight at 8 and to wear something nice, but comfortable. Excitement bubbled up inside of me as I finished the rooms by 12:45. I began heading to my cabin when once again my phone rang. 

"Rose Ivy Jon" I began but was soon cut off by a burly husky voice which can only belong to Hector. 

"Miss Jones, I will need you here in an hour one of the other girls called off, get here as quick as you  can and the job is yours i'll have your schedule waiting, wear something appropriate and customer appealing." Hector grunted as he ended the call without anything more or allowing me a word in. I felt my eye twitch slightly but just realized I had my 3rd job in the bag if I can get there in time. I ran to the cabin, I changed as quick as I could into a different top one that would be more appealing and comfortable for both jobs. It was a babydoll top that hugged the bodice, has spaghetti straps as well as flowed over the bump to conceal it a little better. It was a baby pink color and went well with the leggings I was wearing. Calling the cab on my way here I hear it pull up outside to take me to the Shady Glade cafe. With excitement and slight irritation I head out to start the next shift. 


Arriving at the Cafe I notice the slight buzz of customers who are coming in and out as the place is somewhat hopping it seems. Walking in I see a different waitress than yesterday maintaining everything. She looks up when I walk and a look of relief washes across her face as she realizes I'm the second hand she had been promised I'm guessing by Hector. She soon looks to the customers in front of her and begins talking quickly and then rushes to me and begins pushing me to the back. 

"Um, Ma'am I'm here to start work..." I began but she cuts me off just as Hector had when he called me. 

"Sweets I know, hence why I'm sending you back here to Hector real fast so we can have you out on that floor with me during this shit fest rush we have." I nod at her as we enter what appears to be an office in the back as I look around I see Hector working on something then looks up to us as he realizes someone entered his office. 

"Welcome aboard Rose, get to work, show her the ropes Simone, fuck up and you're gone, the both of you." He spoke without hardly moving a muscle in his face and I grimaced slightly at his lack of emotion as he reminded me of Andrew with his dominance and lack of care. We both scurried out and Simone began to show me all I needed to do. 

After an hour of running around the door rang and the whole place went silent. I looked up to the door and just about pissed myself. Standing in the door of the restaurant was a God. Hell he was someone more intimidating than Hector. He had a jaw that looked as if Adonis  himself was made of pudge, a body that was a wall of muscle I mean the uniform he was wearing looked as if just a slight cough would bust the seams  off and show off that perfect 8  pack which you can clearly see through the shirt. He was probably 6ft 11, with jet black hair as well as a nose that looks as though it has been broken a time or 2, the most unique thing of all was he had one eye that was blue like the ocean while the other was green like the moss on the trees. I found myself drawn to this beast of a man like a magnet and i didn't know how to stop it. 

A slight grunt from behind me caught my attention from staring at the adonis in front of me, I looked back to see Hector slightly glaring at me then he turned to the man in uniform standing at the doorway still. "Xavier, let's go to my office shall we?" Hector asks the man. 

"Of  course, but I would like the usual as well, we eating back there I take it then?" The man questions with the deepest voice I have ever heard I swear his voice was deeper than the deepest ocean, it sent slight tingles to my apex and a slight moan escaped my lips making me blush like a fool as Hector grunted behind me and glared slightly at me. I put my head down as to not look at either as Xavier walked over to Hector. "Rose, get me and Xavier the usual, just tell Remy in the kitchen and he will give you the details." Hector all but demanded. I nodded my head as they walked off leaving me slightly breathless. 

I walked back to the kitchen and informed Remy of the order. "Well d*mn sugar, you just got to be the luckiest b*tch there is, to have your first day on the day the Greek God of Uncertain shows up to our little cafe." Remy all but laughs. I sigh and ignore his comments.

"Remy can you just tell me what they would like to drink and get to work on their food, no one cares about a 'Greek God' as you say showing up on my first day." I comment back as Remy gives me a 'Are you kidding me look' 

"Girl I just love how you think, but they both like black coffee." I nod as I go back to the diner and begin to get their coffees. Once Remy is finished with their food I head to the back with the tray of food and drinks and knock on the door.  

"Enter" Replies Hector. I slowly open the door with one hand while trying to balance the tray in the other. I walk in and place everything on the desk and keep my eyes down. 

"Is there anything else you would like sir?" I question earning a grunt as a reply from the both of them. I excuse myself and exit the room sighing in relief after that. 

After Xavier arrived and left everything went smoothly as I finished my shift at the cafe around 6:45 and decided to eat dinner here before heading the the uncertain tavern to start my shift there for the night. 

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