Chapter Eleven

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Laying there thinking over everything I begin to worry. Why don't they have mates? I thought all good werewolf story consisted of mates and an undying attraction to them. Why have they chosen me to be with the both of them? Why not one pick and the other finds someone else? It does sound really amazing though. They both seem to draw me in. 

Maybe I should talk to the guys some more, find out more about the situation. I glance over at the phone and decide to dial their office. 

"Alpha Xavier" Comes the husky voice that brings my soul to a quiver. 

"Xavier, I would like to talk some more about everything. I need more information." I speak softly into the phone. 

"We'll be up in a moment little Rose."  He replies huskily. 

After we hang up a few minutes later the guys enter the room looking a little excited. They walk over and climb on the bed at the end leaning against the posts. I smile gently at them as I try to figure out the questions I have and what to ask first. 

"I can't get over the mate thing. Why don't you guys have mates like all the stories? Those are so romantic and it always made me tear up at the thought of destiny having made soul mates." I whisper to them kind of sad. 

"Mates are a force of destiny deciding your path for you ahead of schedule. They make you fall in love and follow a path that is set forth for you already. On top of that if you were to choose to break that path and reject your mate you take the chance of hurting yourself as well as the other party. So mates might seem like a great thing but in reality it takes away your choice. Destiny might sound nice but you should always have that choice of free will." He explained to me.

"So mates don't exist? So why are you choosing me? Isn't there someone better than me out there that would be better suited for your lifestyle. Like another wolf?" I question them with a slight heartache.

"Well we have this desire to protect you as well as an attraction to you. When Hector here saw you he had me come by. We always have a discussion over anyone we think may be suitable for us, we have had some girls in the past that we thought would be able to take on being luna as well as beta female in one. The thing with them is they always seem to be weak or cower away too much from us. We need someone who can submit but be strong as well and not cower from us."

"But I am weak and I do cower from you both though?"

"Yes you have shown us submission but as well you have shown us your strength. For instance when you tried to get us to let you stay at the lodge or even when you tried to tell us you didn't need any help. We don't want you to fear us, but we do want you to submit when we are in the room." He ends off flirtatiously. 

I Shudder a little when I think back to my dream about the two of them coming in here to my room. The idea is exciting as well as a little risque. 

"Ok.... I can try." I tell them a little shyly. The grins that spread across their faces is something that I could never forget. My breath hitches at the sight before me, their smiles make the room light up. 

"You don't know how happy you have just made us." Soon I am engulfed in a hug by two burly men. I Feel overwhelmed, as well as extremely protected. 

"You have yet to eat little one. We have been so forgetful." Exclaims Hector. Soon I see him dazing off into a slight trance as his eyes glaze over as well as slightly switch from a onyx black to his silver/ grey eyes. 

"Is he ok Xavier?" It felt slightly weird saying his name. I was never allowed to call Andrew anything but Sir or Master. If I were to talk I had to address him properly and never talk out of turn. 

"Little Rose, he's just mind linking the kitchen staff to bring you some food seeing as we had neglected to do so ourselves. " Xavier explains. I look over to Hector to see him slightly irritated. 

"What's wrong sir?" I ask him in a small voice as not to irritate him any further. Anytime Andrew was angry I had to speak quietly almost a in a whisper in order to not aggravate him further. 

"I have yet to hear you say my name." He says gruffly looking to his brother in a defensive manner. "Why will she say your name, but calls me sir?" He asks Xavier in a angry tone. 

Xavier looks over to me as if he's asking me to explain myself. Glancing between the two I am at a loss for words. 

"Little Rose, Hector has a slight temper issue. He's feeling as though you are favoring me over him. Explain to him what is going on in that little head of yours. I'm going to check on your food. I will be right back." He explains as he exits the room. 

Looking over to Hector I feel myself shake a little at his dominance and I try to think of how to explain myself. 

"Rose. Am I not good enough for you?" Hector bites out bitterly. 

Looking at him shocked I cough slightly at the absurdity off his words. 

"That's not it, I.." I can't seem to finish my sentence with the look of sadness seeping into Hector's eyes. 

"They always love him more, or want him more. That's why we have always left the women. It was never about them not handling the both of us. They never could love or handle me." Hector murmurs looking down. 

"Hector." I sigh glancing down at my hands. His breath hitches at me saying his name. "Andrew scarred me, he tortured me and destroyed whatever innocence I had. I was always used to the term Sir or Master especially when he was angry. I was never to address him otherwise. Anytime he was angry or irritated it was best to remain calm and address him as I should. When you were looking at me as though you were angry I converted into the little sub that I can be." I spoke shakily to him feeling the tears as they slightly burn the corners of my eyes. 

"I never meant to make you angry with Xavier or myself Hector." Hector hugs me as well as rocks me back and forth holding me tight as he whisper sweet things to me while I cling to him as a lifeline. Both of us seem to need this little release. 

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