Chapter Twenty One

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I couldn't believe this, he still didn't want to own up to anything, he just wants to place all the blame on Andrew because he can't face the fact that he ripped into me over Xavier then on top of that instead of talking it out he goes and gets drunk. 

"So Andrew took over you and told me to leave. Ok." He looked almost relieved when I said that, sorry to burst your bubble bud but that doesn't excuse your actions before Andrew. "Look if that is all then. I would like to go to bed then." The shock on his face is almost comical key word almost. 

"What? Aren't you going to be at least a little happy or even relieved that we would like to have you there? That I never said those awful things?" He asks as if that is what I have been hoping for all my life. 

"Look if that is all you have to say for yourself is that you were taken over by Andrew to tell me to leave then no. No I am not happy because after everything you still have yet to learn your d*mn lesson Hector! You still have yet to understand that you treated me poorly and accused me of things on top of that you had your BROTHER come in and try to make things ok, not you. Not only that but as soon as we enter this room you instantly turn on me when I request to have Liam in here by my side. ACCUSING ME OF BEING WITH A 13YR OLD! You are a B*ST*RD!" I scream at him as I let everything out. Looking towards me with fury in his eyes I see them changing from his beautiful silver/ grey eyes to a midnight black, a growl rumbling from within his chest. 

Liam stands up and slowly begins to place himself in front of me as I begin to cower into the corner of the couch we were posted on. "Beta Hector STAND DOWN!" Alpha Jay demands to him noticing everything growing tense. Hector begins to shake as well as growl more as Liam stands before me protecting me. Xavier goes to grab Hector but soon Hector punches Xavier in the nose shoving him off while Alpha Jay tries to run to stop him. Everything is happening so fast it's almost a blur. Soon I see Hector lunging for Liam while Liam looks to be getting in a fighting stance. 

"HECTOR NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I see him throw a punch to Liam's nose. Liam block Hector but just barely. The door bursting open causes me to run to a far corner away from the fighting as well as to try and find an from the situation. Tony is barreling in towards Hector who is trying to get through Liam who seems to be blocking and holding him off pretty ok on his own but you can see the stress as well as the few marks he has gained from the fight. 

"Tony PLEASE help Liam!" I scream and beg worried that Liam may not be able to survive with the way Hector is throwing off Alpha Jay and Xavier's attempts to restrain him.  Tony leaps into action and is soon on the offensive pushing Liam out of the way. Once Liam is out of the way he soon tries to make his way towards me but before he can Hector shifts throwing everyone off of him and charging at Liam.

A blood curdling scream leaves my lips and I jump into action I cannot stand by and allow Liam to get hurt over me and the fact that he is willing to protect me makes me happy but worried at the same time. Grabbing onto Liam I then push him behind me trying to protect him once he is behind me I hear the fiercest growl ever. 

"You DARE protect this pup from me!?" Growls Hector as he begins trembling. 

"Back off you mangy MUTT!" I scream at him, once the words leave my lips I gasp as I feel a smack across my face as claws dig into my cheek. I scream out at the impact and all h*ll seems to break loose. 

"How dare you BROTHER! You just harmed our chose!" Bellows Xavier into Hector's face. A furious looking Tony walks up to Hector and begins to beat him slamming his fist into Hector's face repeatedly. Hearing the break of bones seems to snap the Alpha's out of their shock and they pull the men apart. Soon the door is slamming open and five burly men are stepping in and heading over to Hector with chains. 

"Luna!" Exclaims Liam as he begins examining my face ripping his shirt at the bottom he applies pressure to the wound making me hiss out in pain. "What the H*LL were you thinking jumping in front of me like that. I can heal a heck of alot faster! I could have taken care of myself." I looked up into his eyes with tears shedding down my face. 

"I couldn't allow you to do that. You have done enough for me already by trying to keep me safe." 

Soon enough the men are able to pull Hector out of the room and all that is left are Liam, Tony, the two Alpha's and myself. 

"Listen little Rose, were going to have the pack doctor come see you for the marks on your face." He growls the last part. "Right now I need to know if it would be possible for me to hold you? If I can't I will understand but at this point if I go down to see my brother he may not live another day for his actions." Looking to Xavier I see the fury and disappointment in his eyes. Nodding my head to him as an ok I am instantly engulfed in his embrace. sighing I breath him in and let a few tears slide down my face. After a couple minutes he pulls away looking to Liam and Tony. 

"Both of you are her guards from here on out." He sighs as he looks around the room rubbing the back of his neck before finally locking eyes with me. "Little Rose, right now I think it would be best if you were to stay with Alpha Jay here until I can knock some sense into my stupid brother. Tony as well as Liam will stay with you at all times no questions asked." He looks to the other Alpha as if say 'Don't even dare try to deny my requested demand.' 

"Can I talk with you alone?" I mumble to Xavier who looks at me with shock before we glance around us waiting for everyone to disperse. Once we are alone I slowly walk to Xavier who looks at me with caution in his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything." I whisper to him as tears slide down my face. "I'm so sorry for everything..... But at the same time I am so angry with you both. You kept all this important information from me about my husband. Why?"

"Phoebe." I look to him with slight shock as well as anger. "Yes we knew who you were as well as why you were on the run, we never told you in order to gain your trust. We felt if we told you that you would assume us to be apart of his crew. We went about everything all wrong and I am so sorry about that but you will always be our little Rose. You never have to be Phoebe again if you don't want. We were serious about everything else."

"I still need time to think as well as Hector needs time to mature and think things over. I can't have him around me through this pregnancy. I won't allow him to harm me or these children. Please understand that I was willing to give it all a try but he will prevent me from ever trying to be what you both want. Please understand Xavier, I truly am sorry." 

He glances down to me and brings me into a hug while I let the tears fall. "Just give me time to deal with him, please don't give up on us yet. We will give you time love." He places a kiss on my head as he then escorts me to my room that I will stay in while I am here trying to think everything over. 

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