Chapter Eight

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The men decided to drive me to the MoonGlow lodge in order to gather all my things and up and move in with them. Everything seemed to be moving at a fast pace and I was lost as to why they felt the need to protect me all of a sudden. I was feeling too tired to fight them on this due to all the stress and fear as well as my vomiting I was worn out at this point. 

Arriving at the lodge I notice Agnes and Greg exit the main lodge and stand waiting for us to pull up. "Are they expecting us?" I question the men as they seem to be prepared for our arrival. 

"We called ahead" Mentions Hector, but I don't recall seeing either on the phone at any point. Maybe I dozed off at some point in time. Nodding my head as an approval of some sort for the answer we pull up to the front of the lodge and begin to exit the vehicle. 

"Oh sweet sugar!" Agnes almost seems to be squealing with delight. I look at her quizzically as she just grins at me and offers me only three words. "In due time" before dragging me off to my cabin to begin packing. 

"I almost forgot hun, here is the money that you paid for your stay." She hands me back the $1400 I had given her my first day. I stare at her unsure of what she means. 

"Aren't you only supposed to give me the difference?" I question her.

"Nonsense deary, you being who you are, it was free of charge." She says looking at me with a look of utmost respect and almost wonder making me step back a little. 

"What do you mean Mrs. Agnes?" I ask her kind of afraid of the answer. Her only reply though was "In due time" once again making me so confused.  

Once I was finished with packing all the stuff I had which was very little we walked out to join the men. 

"She seem's to have been through something terrible, just make sure you both take good care of her as well as ease into things, don't rush her." Greg finishes saying to Hector and Xavier as we exit the cabin. Looking at them perplexed as to what or who they were referring to I just brush it off and try to load my bags into the blazer. 

"Uh no little Rose, you don't need to be lifting those or trying to load them, let me." Hector say's as he grabs my bags and places them in the trunk looking back at me asking. "Where are your other bags?" I blush slightly as I mumble back. "That's all I own." 

"That will not do, me and Hector will have clothes and things bought for you and brought to the house tomorrow as well as set things up for a nursery for you. The Doctor will be in your room once we arrive at the house to check you over as well to make sure you are healthy as well as the child." Xavier says with such authority and no nonsense I just nod my head. 

Once the men are done talking we load up into the blazer and head out. On the road I watch as we drive through town and see all the beautiful buildings and nature that surrounds this town of Uncertain. I smile as I watch everything with awe. 


After an hour or so we pull up outside of this gorgeous cottage/ cabin style home, the brick and logs blending beautifully. The house looks to be about three stories high. The sight took my breath away. 

"You live here?" I ask them in awe.

"Yes we do, we also have some others that stay here as well as in some cabins around the property." Xavier says. The unload all the bags and walk inside with me following behind them. As I look around I am in shock, my heart feels as though it stopped. The walls were a rustic dark wood, while the ceiling was a white style wood, as well as the white style brick lining the floors bringing a light to the dark wood. 

"This is absolutely beautiful." I say excited to be able to see such a wonder. 

"Welcome to our humble abode"  Hector grumbles. I glance at him to see the sour look. Sadness consumes me as I feel guilty for them having to take on me as such a  burden. Putting my head down I let a tear slip out. "I'm sorry Sir" I say as I follow them up the third flight of steps and soon I'm slamming into a brick wall. I start to rub my forehead feeling the sharp pain of  hitting the wall only to feel a finger under my chin lifting my head up. Glancing up I'm met with Xavier's hypnotizing ocean blue and moss green eyes. 

"What are you sorry for little Rose?" He questions me.

"Hector doesn't seem happy that I am here. I don't mean to be a burden to you both." I comment back meekly. Soon I feel arms sliding from around my backside to my front and I'm embraced tightly to a warm hard front. Hector was hugging me from behind.

"Little Rose, never feel as though you are a burden. You will soon come to realize I struggle with saying things." He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine making me fight to hold in a moan, a slight sigh escapes my lips though. Soon he releases me and I'm following them to my room once more. 

The room they are providing for me is the very last room on the third floor. "Our rooms are the only ones up here. We have four rooms up here yours if the very last one down here at the end of the hall, if you need anything our rooms are directly across from yours. " Hector tells me. 

The room was cozy and warm, a california king size bed sat in  the middle of the room on a four poster bed made of what looked like hand carved wood that made the legs of the bed look like trees. Fairy lights lined the walls creating a glow around the room. Along the walls wood was carved to look like the trees making the room seem as if it were the forest itself. A window seat sat facing the forest and I knew this would be my favorite part of the room itself. 

Looking back at the men I smiled the biggest smile I could and hugged them both thanking them. Once they were satisfied I could take over for myself and settle in for bed I grabbed my things and began my way to the ensuite bathroom to shower for bed. I was not prepared to see the bathroom I tell you. 

Inside it looked as though you were in a clearing with a waterfall. The shower and bath looked as if you were going to bathe in a waterfall. I looked around and saw what looked to be moss growing along the corners of the floor. The sink and toilet were made of wood. The toilet looked as if it belonged in an out house and the sink was hanging by chains. I soon figured everything out, showered and left to go to the room to finally sleep. Once in the bed I felt like I was on cloud nine. My body was swallowed up by the bed as well as the blankets cocooning me. Sleep seemed to come easy, in the distance I felt as though I could hear the wolves howling their appreciation for the moon as well as the appreciation for the night. A smile spread across my face as I fell into oblivion dreaming of happy things to come. 

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