Chapter Twenty

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Once we take off from the hotel we drive to Alpha Turner's pack which I have learned that Alpha Turner's name is actually Jay, he is the head Alpha of the South. Jay's pack is the Turner Hills pack, apparently with packs they take on the last name of the Alpha's and it's passed on through the generations. 

"So if you are the Alpha of the pack Turner Hills, what's Alpha and Beta King's pack called?" I ask them from the back seat. 

"They never told you?" Questions Liam. 


A sigh comes from Alpha Jay. "They seem to have left a lot of stuff out. They are the head of Night King pack, they are the only pack who's name is at the end of their pack title. They do things differently than most packs." I nod agreeing with him on the fact they were different. I mean they want to share me for goodness sake. Well they did want to share me. 

"So why are they here? Hector asked me to leave why are they here?" 

"You need to hear them out." Is all they say. The rest of the way they ignore me which irritates me further. I am about ready to snap all their heads off in just a moment but they stop me from my mental beat down on them when they inform me we have arrived.

My door is thrown open and I'm snatched out of the car faster than I can blink and I am wheezing for air because of the death grip on me by Hector as well as Xavier.  

"What the H*LL! Let me go you stupid buffoons!" I shout at them while I try to pull away but hear them growl and grunt slightly. 

"Rose you know nothing of what happened. Not all of it at least. Let us explain. PLEASE!" Begs Hector while Xavier steps back. 

"Little Rose please just hear us out. If you don't want to come back or listen to us then we will  let you go, but you must promise to remain here at Turner Hills under Alpha Jay if you chose to leave us." Xavier explains as he looks at me with hope as well as worry and fear. 

Looking around me I notice that the men seem to be circling me. Jay is standing right to my right while Liam is to my left and Tony is  behind me as if he is a bodyguard. I smile kindly to these men who want to keep me safe even if it's from their own Alpha, Beta as well as friend. Looking into their eyes I see all their emotions swirling within them. "Yes. You have an hour. After that I want to be left alone the rest of the night as well as the next day. I refuse to just agree or disagree without time to really think things over." They nod their heads in agreement. 

"It's getting late, let's head inside and eat dinner after dinner we shall head to my office and discuss matters in private." Jay offers.

Arriving into the pack house I smell dinner and my stomach growls. We all sit down to eat and the tension as well as silence that fills the air makes things stressful, my appetite depleting while we eat. Soon enough I feel full enough, more like satisfied for the twins and I'm left just pushing the food around on the plate. 

"Luna aren't you going to eat more?" Questions Liam who is sitting across from me. 

"I'm full" I mumble trying to keep my head down. I really don't need all the attention drawn to me. "I'm ready for the meeting whenever you all are done." I just need to get this over with. 

"Alright. Let's head to the office then." Sighs Jay as he pushes his chair back.

We all follow him up the stairs leading to the 3rd floor we arrive at the doors to his office. Once we enter I see that it is just me, the Alpha's and Hector. Panicking slightly I look to Xavier as well as Jay with pleading eyes. 

"Please can I have Liam here with me?" A deep and furious growl erupts from Hector once I mention Liam's name. 

"Are you screwing that little boy!?' Screams Hector to my face, I never even saw him move so close. He was too fast, screaming out I begin to panic and look for a way out. He is soon pulled off of me by Jay and Xavier, I remain still in the same place not looking around and not moving. 

A knock sounds at the door and I hear Jay speak. "Enter" Once the door opens I look over to Liam and tears begin to stream down my face, running to him I hug him to me tightly while I sob into his chest. I feel his arms tighten around me as I tremble in his embrace. 

"What the H*LL!?" He exclaims, causing me to shake some more. "SHHH, I'm sorry Luna, I won't shout anymore. Relax, breath and relax." He begins rubbing my hair as well as my back as I try to listen to him as well as try to calm myself down. 

"How the F*ck do you think you have any right PUP to touch our CHOSEN!" Hector shouts behind us causing me to shift behind Liam. My face is shoved into his back as I cower behind him while he keeps one arm wrapped around me and the other is fisting in the front of him. 

"You better shut your d*mn mouth BETA!" He spits the words as if he is disrespecting him, mocking his title. 

"SILENCE!" Booms Xavier, I shiver at the sound and tighten my fists into Liam's shirt.

"Liam, can you please explain to us the situation with our chosen? Why is she requesting you to be in here?"

"Alpha, in all honesty all I know is she seems to feel safe with me. When we went for the walk she wanted Tony to keep away but she would always cling to me."

"She's afraid of us?" Questions Hector with hurt in his voice. 

"I am not sure, all I know is she seems to feel safe as well as protected when I am close. She is my Luna so I respect her choice. I will keep her safe even if I have to give my life for her." I grip his side tightly at the mention of him giving his life for me. He looks back at me when he says "I will give my life for you if it is necessary, you should never have to feel the amount of fear that you do. I will keep you safe Luna." The sheer will as well as determination in his voice and eyes brings tears to my eyes and I hug him from the back. 

"Well if this is what she needs to feel safe." Sighs Xavier as he looks over at Liam and I he nods his head as he continues. "You will begin excessive training with Tony and you can be her guard then. This way you can ensure you are able to protect her as well as the children inside her. 

"Yes Sir." Liam says, while pulling me out from behind him and escorting me to a couch that is across from all the men, we sit down and no one moves a muscle as they think over what needs to be said.

"I was taken over." Hector whispers.

My head shoots up as I look to him with questioning eyes. "What?" 

"Andrew took over my body with a shadow. Everything I said that night was not me. Once we had our first fight I went into a drinking spell and I became susceptible to his shadows while my mind and body were under the influence of alcohol he used a shadow to slip in and get you to do exactly what he wanted which was to get you out of the safety of our pack."

Listening  to everything I can somewhat understand but at the same time I feel like it's all too easy to blame Andrew instead of owning up to his own mistakes. 

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