Chapter Twenty Six

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How can I stop Andrew, how can I release his hold on Hector? While Xavier is relaxing I think over everything that he has done. All the marks Andrew has left the nightmares the horrors he has brought on my life. I can't seem to escape the beast. 

Sliding out from under Xavier I decide I need to see Hector. I need to try and break him from this hold Andrew has on him I need to stop this mess now. 

"Ma'am what are you doing?" A lady wearing scrubs, i'm guessing is the nurse asks me as I walk out of the room. 

"I need to see Hector and Xavier needs his rest and I know he will try to stop me. Please show me to him. Or have someone else show me." 

The lady sighs but proceeds to escort me out of the hospital or medical clinic whatever they call it here. 

"This is the man you need to see about seeing Hector." The lady had led me to exactly someone I did not want to see seeing as he would fight me on seeing Hector. 

"Tony." I whisper in heartache at the fact he would more than likely turn me away. 

"What are you doing Rose? You should be resting! Why are you trying to see Hector?"

"I need to try and stop this Tony! I can't keep letting Andrew win or even keep manipulating as well as ruining my life!" Exasperated I start pacing having a hard time trying to think of a way to get through Tony or get him to let me see him. 

"What makes you think you can fix this?" Questions Tony as he looks at me as if I have three heads and breath fire. 

"I'm the cause of all of their problems lately. I'm the reason Andrew is using Hector as well as the fact that Hector and Xavier and Hector are fighting. I can't stand by and do nothing when I am the cause of it all."

"I can't let you do this he is a danger."

"Please. I beg of you."

Sighing he looks around as if he is trying to fight an internal battle. "I'll take you to see him but you remain beside me at all times, no going any closer to him than me and do not by any means disregard any of my warnings or demands. If I say leave you better leave without question." I nod in understanding. "I want to hear you say it Rose, I mean it."

"I promise."

Following after Tony he leads a path to the place in which they are holding Hector. The path leads to the woods. "He's held out here?" 

"It's further out from the pack house. We keep the cells out further in order to ensure there is enough time for recapture or even planning if and I mean if there was a chance that one were to escape. I hope you don't mind the walk."

"No the walk will be good exercise for the baby's and me as well as the fresh air."

"Did you let someone know to tell Xavier where you were going?" 

"He's asleep right now in the clinic hospital thingy."

Chuckling comes from beside me, glancing over I see a twinkle in Tony's eyes over what I said. "It's a clinic Rose, not a hospital."

"Well I wasn't sure exactly what to call it in all honesty."

"Well we can't really go to the doctor's or even the hospital considering what we are."

"Right I understand, so tell me more about your ranks on this long walk. Liam had explained some of them to me already." 

"What was the last one he mentioned?"

"I believe it was something with a lamb?"

"Right Lambda the hunters. So he must have started at the top and was working his way down. So now you get to learn about the mid rank wolves."

"You have so many ranks as it is why?"

"Well we honestly don't have them all they are just there if we need them, sometimes wolves in the pack aren't placed or don't fit in these categories but they are there if we need them. So now you can learn about the Mu. They are our peacekeepers. Following them are the Nu, the sentries, There are Zi which are the resource watchers. Now didn't Liam mention the Omicron and Pi?"

"Yes he mentioned those are the therapists."

"Correct, We have Rho who are the secretaries of the Pi. Sigma are the tutors, Tau are the lead scout as well as the Upsilon."

"This is crazy."

"We have Phi who are the pup sitters."

"What you guys breed puppies! I want to see the puppies!" I exclaim in excitement while Tony looks at me as if I am insane. 

"Pups as in our children Rose."

Blushing I bow my head and focus on the ground. "Oh...." 

Laughing he then continues on. "Chi are jesters, we really don't have them very often. Psi are the subordinates, Omega well they are the scapegoats, they are usually the ones ready to leave the pack really. They don't have a purpose and can't follow rules. Then of course you have the pups."

"You all have such a unique system." 

"It works. Well we are here. Please remember what I mentioned before hand."

Walking over to the cement guarded shack I look around seeing all of the security as well as feeling as though I was being watched. Scooting closer to Tony I whisper my worry. 

"We have snipers in the trees in tree stands overlooking the area to be safe. We take extreme precaution." 

Walking into the building I feel shivers run down my spine. It was dark and smelled of bleach. The building had stairs leading down, lights lining the wall. Walking down to the first landing we round the corner and are faced with a row of cells. "How many levels are there?"

"We have 3 levels, the very last one is for interrogation. The second level is for more intense prisoners this level is basically for detaining. Hector is at the end." 

Walking to the very end my breath catches at the sight of him. He looks as though he was a broken man. What would I be able to do to stop this?

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