Chapter Twenty Four

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After the call with Xavier I went to my room to lay down, I felt empty on the inside, I felt numb. I hated hurting him like that. I couldn't believe that I had done that. A knock at my door has me wiping the tears and sniffling trying to at least appear somewhat ok. 


"It's me little one." Comes Luke's voice.

"Come in Luke." I sigh knowing that Jay must have sent him in to check on me after I left his office in a daze. 

"Hey little flower, how are you feeling?" He questions as he walks over to the bed and places himself next to me. 

The tears fall before I have the chance to stop them, soon I find that I am an uncontrollable sobbing mess. Arms engulf me in their embrace as I grip onto his shirt holding on as I can't breath.

"Little flower, it will be ok, just breath. Listen to my heart and breath." I follow his instructions and find that I am slowly calming down. "Now, relax little one." Soon I find my eyelids drooping as I listen to his steady heartbeat as sleep soon becomes the only thing I can manage with this broken heart.


Waking up I find I am alone as well as the fact I hear a lot of yelling and growling coming from downstairs. A sound of glass breaking brings me to attention and I begin running to exit the room but before I can get to the door three men enter, I see Liam, Tony as well as Luke.

"What is going on?" I ask with wide uncertain eyes. 

"Hector" Liam is cut off by a ferocious growl emitting from outside of my door.

"Little flower come here NOW!" Demands Luke, I shuffle over quickly to his side and soon he pushes me behind him. The door bursts open once I am behind Luke and I see a very furious looking wolf which looks like Boots. I cower behind Luke more as I heat Hector or Boots growl ferociously towards everyone. Soon a fight breaks out as Hector charges after everyone. Liam and Tony try to hold him off while Luke picks me up bridal style and tries to run past the fight through the doorway to escape the scene and I'm guessing to get me to safety. 

Once we finally are able to pass the fight Luke is running as fast as he can which is remarkably fast for a human and is running out the door where there is an army of men. 

"Take the Luna and protect her with your life Luke, hide somewhere I will link you when we have sedated and calmed him down or when Xavier has made it here."" Relay's Alpha Jay to Luke as he then begins to take off towards a truck to then load me in as he then barrels out of the drive while we watch Hector burst through the front doors and straight into the army blocking him from us and him. 

"Luke" I say in fear as well as worry as I watch the men trying their hardest to contain the beast before them. "Please tell me they won't hurt him?" I question as I begin to worry for Hector as well as Boots. 

"They are going to try and not hurt him but when it comes down to it they will do whatever is necessary to keep you as well as the pack members safe. Right now Hector is not in his right mind."

"What is going on why is he acting this way?" I beg with tears streaming down my face as I try to pray for Hector as well as everyone back at the pack. This is all my fault!

"Hector lost it when Xavier informed him you weren't coming back and that they were to find a new chosen mate. Hector flipped and went wild. Xavier has been trying to get ahold of his brother but Hector isn't listening to reason."

A roar so loud it shakes the truck has the skin on the back of my neck crawling. I look over to Luke as he is trying to focus on the road but I see his hands tightening on the wheel as he looks a little worried towards the forest around us. 

"Little one you need to be prepared." Luke spits out quickly as he begins trying to pick up speed.

"What do you mean?" I ask with worry as I see him glancing through all the windows checking to see if he has missed something or expecting something. 

"He's escaped, he's following us and once he gets here he will take you. I'm going to do my best to stop him, but I need you to be prepared for whatever is about to happen." 

Fear slides down my spine as I think over the words Luke is telling me. "Will he hurt you?" I question him with worry. "Has he hurt anyone else?" 

"So far only injured a lot of warriors as well as knocked out Jay and Xavier." My breath hitches at what he says. "They are going to be ok though. I'm hoping he doesn't take you and I will do all I can to protect you even if I have to lay down my life for you. Please just make sure you do what you can to stay safe if something does happen to me." He pleads with me and soon we see a figure jump out in front of the truck and Luke keeps going not stopping causing me to scream. 

"PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!" Luke doesn't listen as he continues burling towards Hector not letting up on the gas. 

The sound of the truck slamming into Hector as well as the car being smashed our bodies jerking I cover my stomach in protection as I try to stay awake and conscious. Soon my door is being jerked open by a very naked and furious looking Hector. I glance over and see glass as well as the truck smashed into Luke who looks  passed out. 

"Please save him." I beg with tears sliding down my face as I glance from Hector to Luke. The fury in his eyes informs me that what I said was not something he likes. 

"How dare you ask me to save a man who is trying to take you from me!" He roars into my face.

Pulling me out of the vehicle I feel him pinch the side of my neck and blackness took over.  

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