Chapter Ten

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With the way they were both looking at me I was beginning to fear what they had to tell me. Was it seriously as bad as they made it seem? I looked at the both of them who seemed to be having a silent conversation over the matter. 

"Ok so can you tell me what it is now? I'm beginning to build up some tension and stress here." I mumble to them as they snap out of their stare down. 

"We don't want to scare you." Hector speaks softly as if I'm a fragile little doe escaping my mother's womb just recently like little bambi. 

"Are you baby black marketers?" I ask them, wondering if that is why they decided to bring me here, to take my child after they ensured a healthy birth. 

They look absolutely gobsmacked as if that is the most ludicrous thing they have ever heard. 

"No!" They exclaimed in unison.  

"Then are you mob bosses as well? Hiding out here in this town, and knowing I'm a former mob bosses wife you figured I would be good leverage?" I ask barely taking a breath giving no room to talk as things begin to pop up in my head as to what they have to tell me.

"Or are you a cult of vampires and want me to be your blood queen?" 

"No, you're probably a bunch of devil worshipers who want to sacrifice my children as they are the innocent."

"What if you are werewolves and I'm one of your mates." 

"What if you're from the government and you followed me all the way here and you are just deceiving me?"

"Are you guys going to kill me? Sell me after the babies are born? Sell the babies?" I begin hyperventilating with all the thoughts running through my head and the look of horror that the two wear just pushes me over the edge. Tears streaming down my face I begin to beg them.

"Please don't hurt my babies. I will do anything. Just please keep them safe." My pleas seem to be what brings them out of their state of shock. 

"Little Rose, you were partly right on one of your guesses. We would never harm you or your children. NEVER think like that little Rose." Hector whispers soothingly as he runs his fingers through my hair slightly calming me, but has me questioning what I was partly right about. 

"Relax little Rose, we will tell you as soon as you calm down." Xavier says to me softly as I slowly calm myself down. Once I am calm again the men look at me with a slight hint of sorrow and fear. 

"You remember mentioning werewolves?" Xavier starts off.

"I'm one of your mates aren't I?' I question a little worried. 

"No." Begins Hector but I cut him off.

"Then what do I have to do with you guys if you're werewolves, am I someone else's mate then?" I ask.

"STOP!" Xavier forces out. "Let us talk and you will get your answers. Cutting us off while we are trying to explain to you is not the answers little Rose." Nodding in agreement I keep my head down as I flush with embarrassment. "It's fine Rose, it's just hard to explain and calm you down while trying to do so." Hector explains to me. 

"I understand Sir." I say listening for them to continue on. 

"Now little Rose, we are werewolves, but a lot of the storybook tales are false. We do not have mates, we choose who we are to be with for the rest of our lives. Once we have found the one we can claim you and you will gain our strength and long life, but will remain seemingly human. You won't turn into one of us. Now the thing that is different is that you aren't being chosen by just one of us but the both of us." Xavier says to me in a soft voice as if it will lessen the blow. 

"Wait what?" I look up frazzled at the fact they both want me to be with them.

"Rose we share everything, the only thing we don't share is our title, since I was born first I am the Alpha. I chose for my brother who was born after me by minutes to be my Beta my second in command, we share all responsibilities though as if we were both the Alpha's." Xavier explains to me.

"I don't understand how this would work with us though." I squeak out. 

"That will come in due time, we will not rush you, we just needed to explain such things to you. This house can only have so much time without someone shifting and we would prefer not to frighten you with that." They explain to me. 

"I think I need to lie down for a while. This is a lot to take in." I yawn a little to let them know I need to sleep. 

"We understand, we will be in the office if you need us. Just call down on the phone here to the office, the number is on the list over here." They point out everything to me showing me before the climb off the bed and exit the room. I yawn and decide to think on everything to try and ease my mind a little. 

Xavier and Hector are werewolves as well as the fact they want to share me as a love interest. I mean the wolf part is pretty damn exciting, I mean they are fine as hell. The fact that I am lucky enough to find out there is another species out here besides human. This is amazing, I am in a house full of them. When I was little I always dreamed of these two wolves, they were the greatest friends I had. We would frolic and play whenever I was dreaming. 

The wolves were very different though. One was more protective and dominant while the other was fun and carefree. 

The dominant one was a Black wolf with a white heart on it's chest that I used to trace all night in the dream any chance he'd let me. I always called him Echo, as anytime I would howl to play with them, he was my echo, he always gave me a wolf grin when I called him Echo. 

Now the carefree one was a white wolf with black paws. I used to call him Boots always yipped with joy every time I called him Boots. Boots and I would always play fight while Echo watched on, sometimes Boots would look like he might hurt me and Echo would pull him back by the scruff almost as if he was reminding him I was fragile. I miss those dreams, they stopped around the time that Andrew and his mob took me in. I was sad when the dreams left me, they were my escape. 

Ever since I was little I always dreamed of having wolves as pets or friends. Now I have werewolves, the only thing I am unsure of is the relationship they seem to want from me. The both of them....... 

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