Smile (chapter three)

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Phil hadn't always loved Dan.

Never showing his feelings and hiding homosexual thoughts that came into his mind every time he looked at Dan. They weren't right. They weren't important.

But he was wrong.

Phil looked to Dan, Dan would stare back at him, but Phil could never make out the feelings behind his eyes. They always seemed manic and expressing a million different thoughts. Phil thought it was beautiful. That kind of unrelenting chaos.

Every thought unknown to Phil. Every thought filled with passion and hope. But he could never have known.

In the back of Phil's mind, Dan had found himself a little corner. A corner where he goofed around and went deep into thought and showed feeling. Phil was never good at that,

showing his inner feelings.

Sure, Phil seemed cheery in all his videos, but that was the half of him that he was comfortable letting the world witness. Vulnerable was never an option for Phil.

Only a few years after they had met, Phil finally started to see Dan in a new light. A light that illuminated the path of love for the two to embark on.  
Only, Phil knew that Dan would never venture out on that path. At least, not with him.

Never with him.

The feelings had just started, but Phil knew Dan's would never start. Never would Dan look at Phil the way Phil looked at him, or loved him the way he loved him.

Although he kept on smiling, Phil was torn on the inside.

Although he kept on smiling, sadness washed over him.

He kept on smiling,

for Dan.

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