Smile (chapter five)

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Phil and I had gotten on the train (just barely on time) and sat down together in a couple of empty seats. Phil seemed preoccupied so I thought I could read without him noticing.

I started to read a fanfiction about the two of us in high school. Thinking back to those years made me uncomfortable, but I was also smiling at the thought of having Phil there with me.

I put my earbuds in and was really trying to get into the story. I even played some of my favorite high school songs, like ones from fallout boy and MCR, to really put myself in the mindset of teenage Dan. Awkward, dorky and slightly emo. I was blocking out everything and everyone.

Until I felt a light tap on my shoulder.


As soon as we got onto the the train, Dan had already put in his earbuds and pulled out his phone. Although I wasn't doing anything different from him. But he was reading something, and I was curious (he usually just plays games on his phone).

I tried to look over Dan's shoulder to catch a little of what he could possibly be reading. I only saw small font that I couldn't make out. I decided I should ask him.

I drumed gently on Dan's shoulder. It took him a while to notice. He rolled his eyes and took out one of his earbuds to listen to what I had so annoyingly inturrupted his music and reading for.

"What are you reading?"




Dan looked at his phone, then looked up at me again.

" nothing. Just some random book I found online." He sounded worried.

"Okay... well, what's it about?" I asked, even more curious now as to what he was reading.

"It's just some story about two guys in high school..."


I then told Phil the entire plot of the fanfiction. But without using our names or any clear details about the characters. Or any of the slightly...steamy...bits. Of course I wasn't going to tell Phil that I was reading a fanfiction about the two of us.

What would he say?
What would he think?


The story sounded interesting. Something about it made me think of the two of us. Dan and I. Some of the vague details seemed almost...familiar.

I loved the way Dan recounted the events of the book. He felt really enthusiastic about most parts and was really passionate about the story. I could tell he connected to it, I just wish I knew why.

Dan was soon forced to stop his train of thought as our destination was coming up. I was sad that he had stopped the conversation, until I remembered that we be spending the entire day together.

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