Smile (chapter twenty øne)

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It was a month later and Victoria and I were still going out. We'd really gotten along and I could feel our relationship start to blossom every time we met up and or saw each other. It had also been a month since Dan had started talking to me again, I felt a lot better when he was around. We had sort of gone back to normal in terms of communication and we basically did the same stuff that we used to, appearing on each other's channels and making gaming videos. Sometimes we even went out for coffee and shopping for clothes like we did before everything got messed up.

I had forgot that I still loved Dan. But once in a while the feeling of wanting him, wanting him so badly that it ate me up inside and to think that I was dating some one else was terrible. That feeling goes away though...


Dan and I could have regular conversations again too, but I never dared to bring up Victoria. I tried to once, but it didn't go so well,

"So what'd you do today?" Dan asked one day when he had finally come out of his room, after what seemed like 4 hours (must have been editing a video or something).

"Oh, well I just went out with Victoria to see a movie."

Dan went silent for a moment. I could tell that something I had said was bothering him.

"What?" I said to Dan after his non-existent reply.

"Nothing, I just remembered that I wanted to add something else into my video."

He went back into his bedroom and didn't come out for the next day or so. I felt bad, but why? Technically I didn't do anything wrong, I barely even mentioned her. Was the sound of her name bad enough to make Dan want to leave me hanging like that?


Sometimes I forgot that he was still seeing her. It was weird. In one reality (my fanfiction, or as I like to call it, my personal heaven) Phil was mine to love and hold whenever I felt like it. In the other (the real world) he was dating some girl he met on on a dating site and would never look at me like anything more than a friend.

It's not that I hated Victoria, I just wanted what she had. The thing about her that made Phil look at her the way he did, smile at her the way he did.

It's like Phil was fascinated by ever word that came out of her mouth, even though he didn't really talk about her much, I could tell he was in love. It was like she made him brighter, like he was glowing. She envisioned so much that in comparison I was blind. Phil was blinded, by her beauty and her...her...special something (that I hadn't exactly found out what it was yet).

She sparked his life in ways that I couldn't, y'know, unless Phil would give me a chance.

That's all I needed, a chance.

I didn't hate her, but it did sting like hell.


"So when can your flat mate and I have a proper meeting?" We walked in the busy streets of London, by now it was autumn and chilly outside, in out thicker sweaters and drinking hot coco. "I mean, the last time I saw him wasn't really the best meeting ever..."

I started to cringe inside at the argument that had happened that day, I was still super embarrassed about that. "I'm not really sure, maybe we could all go out for a drink some time," But then I started to remember how Dan got whenever I even mentioned Victoria. "On second thought, that might not be the best idea."

"Why? Come on Phil, I wanna get to know him, I'm sure he's not always that upset."

"Maybe, okay? Just not right now."

Things kind of just went on like that, awkward plan cancelations involving Dan and Victoria in the same room. Honestly, I think if I even brought up the idea of meeting up with Victoria to Dan, he would flat out lose it.


I hadn't written in the fiction for a while and I was kind of stuck. I mean Phil just proposed. I did not really know how to continue on form this point. So, I went on to the fanfiction sharing site that I've been using and started to find something to read instead. I wasn't reading as much as I was writing and I felt that maybe I could get some new ideas from other people's work.

I picked out one that was like medieval times versions of us, which was kind of weird and put me off quite a bit at first, but I just grew to laugh at the idea and love the fact that someone out there thought of it. I really did not appreciate the creativity some people had when it came to fanfiction. But anyways, I made my way to the living room, which was as empty as a desert or one of those ghost towns in western movies. I could practically see the tumble weeds blowing across the hardwood floors of the lounge.

Phil wasn't home, and I really did not want to think about who he was with, so I began to distract myself with my reading. I usually read in my room too, but seeing as there was no one around to judge me, I basically just thought, Screw it! and started to read out in the open.


When I came back from my slightly too awkward date with Victoria, Dan was sitting in the lounge, in his browsing position. I mean, what else was I expecting?

"Hey," I flung myself onto the couch next to Dan and noticing that he had a book open on his phone, "What are you reading?"

Dan jumped at the sight of me and quickly turned of his phone. "What? Nothing. I wasn't reading anything."

"Are you sure? I definitely saw something," I pressed on. "What were you reading that is so bad that you can't tell-" I stopped to giggle at my thought.


"Was that fifty shades of grey?" I sniggered at him, covering my growing smile with my hands.

"No!" Dan grabbed a pillow from the couch and started to obliterate me with it. "You're such a spork." He laughed.

"You're a spork!" I grabbed a pillow from the chair across from the couch and slammed it repeatedly against Dan's torso.

We basically had a massive pillow fight where we called each other dumb names like 'dork', 'silly noodle' and even just 'IDIOT!'. It was so tiring that we both collapsed on the floor surrounded by pillows and one huge comforter that had been taken from other rooms in the flat. 

We slept in the lounge together, surrounded by pillows and a huge comforter that we shared. As I drifted to sleep, I could feel Dan's body heat around me and his warm legs entangled with mine under the layers of bedding. I edged closer and when I felt most like his warm and glow surrounded, I closed my eyes and slept, knowing that in this moment everything was fine.

Everything was perfect.   

Author's note
This chapter and the next few chapters were kind of inspired by the song 'Adored by him' which is a song by one of my favorite musicians: Dodie Clark or doddleoddle on YouTube. So listen to the song and who knows, maybe it will give you some hints about the chapters to come...

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