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He loved his smile. That was probably his favorite thing about Phil Lester. People could argue that it was odd and stupid, but Dan thought I was beautiful and amazing, just like Phil's personality. When they walked together I was like someone was holding one of Dan's most prized possessions inches away from his grasp, but he could never have it. Phil could look over at him with his cheerful expression but Dan knew he could never have that face for his own. Never have Phil for his own. Never hold his hand or kiss his soft appearance. Never have Phil smile at him and him alone. It made Dan hate himself, he kept convincing himself it was all his fault that Phil would never be with him because of how ugly or awkward he was. Dan went so far as to read fan fictions just to convince himself that all this was just as dumb as he and Phil made it out to be. But instead, all the stories were just giving Dan false hope about how Phil really felt about him.

One day, out of curiosity and partly as a funny video idea, Dan opened up his MacBook and went into Tumblr and decided that he was going to start writing his own fan fiction about Phil and himself. The plan was that Dan would see what the inner workings of the Phandom were and then later reveal himself as the writer to get a big reaction, although the later part of the arrangement seemed to be a bit harsh on his loyal fans. Nonetheless, he started to write, not really thinking as most of the feelings and dialogue from his character came quite easily, it was Phil's character that gave Dan trouble. He didn't know what Phil's emotions would be. Dan improvised and just wrote what he always hoped Phil would say in various situations.

 Dan entered the bright room that took a moment to adjust to because of the overwhelming darkness of his own. Phil was sat at his computer, just finishing his live stream. Dan gazed at the back of his jet black hair until Phil was done. "I hope all you guys sleep well, especially you Amanda, Tracy, Tommy, Avery, Becca, Charlie, Carmen, Veronica, Mabel, Levi. Remember to check out the last video Dan and I did on the gaming channel, and I will have a new video up later this week. Good bye!"

Dan thought that the last bit seemed like something Phil would say in a live show.

Phil closed the laptop and got up before being startled by Dan, standing in the doorway. "Dan, you scared me half to death" said Phil with his usual mock-annoyed voice that he used when Dan playfully teased him. "Sorry" said Dan quietly, "I was just going to ask you something, err, kind of personal.."

But before Dan could type that he was in love with his flatmate, Phil stepped into the sitting room. Quick to hide what he was doing, Dan saved his secret and closed Tumblr, but not without Phil seeing.

"What are you doing?" Phil asked in a happy and intrigued tone.

Dan didn't think that telling Phil that he was writing a fan fiction about the two of them, even if it was for a video, was the best idea. What if his feelings got rejected or Phil thought it was super weird?

"Just looking on Tumblr for some video ideas" Dan made up off the top of his head.

"Oh, ok" said Phil coolly as he sat next to Dan on the sofa with a smile on his face, which made Dan's heart skip a beat, it always did.

So, for the next few days Dan kept writing, practically forgetting about the video he was supposed to make about the Phandom. The fan fiction was now just a way for Dan to vent about his feelings for Phil. And although he didn't know it, his fan fiction was becoming a huge hit with the Phandom and had widespread over the few days since it starting because fans thought that Dan and Phil were portrayed perfectly, as if they were writing it themselves. Dan really enjoyed the fluffy bits and soft kisses that he wrote about having with Phil, Dan never actually thought about anything more than a small kiss shared by both himself and Phil.

Dan looked into the pools of life in Phil's eyes and his soft lips that were in their usual adorable smile. Dan grinned stupidly as his own smile collided with Phil's like magic or a dream come true.

 A knock on the door caused Dan to stop writing.

"Yeah?" called Dan from inside his room.

"Can I come in?" said Phil on the other side of the door.


"I was on Tumblr today and guess what I found out!" said Phil entering while looking for something on his phone.

"What?" said Dan, expecting Phil to tell him some weird fact about snails or something irrelevant like that.

"Our fans have not stopped talking about this fan fiction!" said Phil, pulling up a Tumblr post of the first chapter of Dan's fan fiction he had called 'Smile'.

Dan, seeing his own piece of writing being shown to him by the person it was centered around, felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

"Everyone says that it sounds just like us," said Phil smiling up at Dan.

His smile.

"Really?" said Dan, trying to mask the uneasiness in his voice.

"Yeah, I've even read it. It dose sound just like you! Here read it!" said Phil practically in one breath and shoving the phone at Dan.

"Um, Phil?"

"Yes, Dan?"

"I-I-I wrote that fan fiction." said Dan, kind of glad to get it off his chest.

"What do you mean?" questioned Phil after a painstakingly long silence.

"I wrote the fan fiction, the one that everyone likes so much 'cause it sounds like us, it's because I'm the one who wrote it."

"Why" said Phil slightly red in the face.

"The truth is," started Dan. "I actually have feelings for you and although writing this fan fiction was originally going to be a video I thought it would be a way to-"

"Dan?" Phil said, cutting Dan off.

"Yes Phil?" said Dan slightly startled by the way Phil cut across him in a serious tone.

"You-you have feelings for me?" said Phil quietly.


Phil stepped closer to the now standing Dan and cupped his face in his slightly shaking hands. And their lips met. The kiss was slow and powerful and it seemed like nothing else in the world mattered. As they pulled apart, both completely shocked by what had just happened, Phil smiled.

Author's Note
I  wrote this about a year ago, I know the writing isn't the best and the whole thing is all over the place, this is basically where the whole idea for 'Smile' came from. I hoped you enjoyed reading because this will most likely be the last upload (if there is more news for 'Smile', I will let you know), but for now, this is goodbye.

Happy 30th Birthday Phil!

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