Smile (chapter twenty seven)

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Author's Note
This is a continuation of chapter twenty six.


I raced after him as soon as his door shut. But before I left the room, I checked to make sure the other people at the party had gone back to socializing in their groups and the blaring of speech along with the sounds of food being enjoyed had gone back to their normal levels of volume. Not caring who might have been watching or worrying, I clasped my hand into a fist and started beating down on Dan's door like I was trying to hammer it into submission. But after a while my hand had gotten sore and Dan still hadn't opened his door. It's not that his door was locked or anything, but I really didn't want to swing it open and deny him his privacy.

"Dan," I gave up on knocking and decided that talking would be the best way to resolve this problem. "I'm sorry."

The laughter and conversations being had in the lounge were already overwhelming me and I really couldn't make out much noise coming from inside Dan's room, but I knew I was just talking to myself. Dan probably didn't even want to hear my apologies.

I went on. "I swear I was going to tell you she was coming...I just sort of forgot to and I was trying to find the best time but you didn't ever seem like you were in the right mood and I...I," I rambled on to the thick piece of wood that was separating me from the person I actually wanted to talk to. "Can I just come in, Dan?"

I listened closely and tried to zero in on any replies from Dan, but I couldn't make out any.

"Okay...I know you really don't want me to do this, but I'm coming in." I waited a moment for a protest, but I couldn't hear anything from the inside the room. It may have just been the energy of the party preventing me from making out any answer Dan had to give to me.

I twisted the door handle slowly, completely allowing Dan time to tell me to stay out or go away, but when he kept up with his indiscernible silence I shifted the door all at once so it was fully open. Dan was sat at his piano playing a soft melody that was so quiet and faint that I could never had known he was playing it from outside the door. When I had opened the door he had barely even glanced up at me, clearly in so much angry he didn't even want to acknowledge my existence. I closed the door behind me which dimmed down the noise coming from the lounge. I walked over to Dan and sat down beside him on the small table he always kept by his desk that he must have been using as a bench while playing the piano. 


Playing the piano has always helped me think, I usually play when I am in deep thought over something and I can't keep my hands still long enough to process anything. Playing the piano usually just gives my hands something to fiddle or toy with and the music is like a coping mechanism that helps me push away some of the bad thoughts and feelings. Even though the piano I have inside my bedroom is old and broken and just in really rubbish condition, I still find it's slightly off and eerie music, comforting.

I heard Phil when he started to hammer at my door, but even his loud banging couldn't distract me from my thoughts. 
I heard Phil when he tried to convince me to open my door, but even his pleading and begging couldn't distract me from the frustration that was building up in me like a wall being made to close out all good emotions and views.
I heard, even felt Phil when he entered my room and came and sat next to me, but even his presence beside me couldn't distract me from the melody I was playing and trying so hard keep going...

...But even the melody I was playing couldn't distract me from the sadness that was a black hole inside my heart, eating up all the hope inside me when I thought about Phil with someone else.

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