Smile (chapter thirty)

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I woke up early the next morning, an idea had already weaved itself into the fabric of my mind and it was impossible for me to let it slip away. I had to take it into action. Today was going to be a day to remember, and although I already knew how nerve-racking the experience would be, I was excited all the same. I also almost completely forgot my sadness that came from what had happened the day before.


I woke up before the sun had risen, but I didn't even bother to look at the time, it wasn't important. I rolled off the couch as stealthily as I could, not wanting to wake Dan up so early. After briskly tiptoeing into the kitchen, I started to get all the components together to make breakfast, I thought it would be the perfect way to commence the day I had planned. Bacon sizzled on the frying pan along with two Sunnyside up eggs, gold and crispy bread popped out of the toaster, and I had also just started to pour some milk for the hot chocolate.

All the noise must have woken Dan up because he came into the kitchen with a tired and slightly annoyed expression on his face. His hair was also a tangled and knotted mess, but he still managed to look perfect all the same.

"What are you doing?" He said while grabbing for a bowl and a box of Lucky Charms, simultaneously trying to dodge around the havoc I was reaking throughout the entire kitchen.

"Put that stuff down!" I said before answering his question. "I'm making us a Christmas morning breakfast for your information."

Dan laughed while putting back the cereal and bowl back into their cupboards. "You look like a mad man. Have you been up since five o'clock in the morning just making the two of us breakfast?"

"Yeah pretty much."

When our feast of a breakfast was done, we sat down at the dinning table in the lounge. We almost never used it for eating on, mostly it was for going on the internet or a place to sit when we played tabletop games with friends. But it was also nice to just sit at the table and actually share a meal with another person.

"It's actually good, isn't it." Dan said with a mouthful of food not even taking his eyes off his plate. It's so weird when you really care for someone and everything they do, even if it's really disgusting and unattractive, ends up being charming in some way.

"Yeah," I said while putting on a huge grin towards Dan. "But this breakfast is only the beginning, I have a whole day planned."

"Like Christmas activities?" Dan asked, finally looking us from his food.

"Well not really, but you could think of the day as sort of a Christmas adventure...of sorts."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I said while fighting the urge of giving Dan a small wink. 

He still looked confused but went back to his food without asking anymore questions. 


I had no idea what Phil was on about, but I was glad to see him in such a cheery mood. Yesterday was really rough on him and I hoped that whatever he had arranged for the day was going to keep him in a good mood. I couldn't stand to see him with tears down his face or those big puffy, red eyes. I wanted him to stay like this forever, filled with light and joy.

As soon as I swallowed my last bite of food, I was being pushed out of my seat and towards the Christmas tree. The lights were still visibly twinkling despite the overwhelming sunlight that was poured into the room through the windows. 

"Woah! Slow down, mate," I joked while sitting down beside our tree. "What's got you in such a rush?"

Phil didn't reply, he just handed me a present from under the tree. There really weren't many, but there was only two of us so it seemed like enough. The wrapping was very unlike the one on the outside of the parcel Phil had given to me yesterday evening, it was the one he and I had created and sold on our online store, the one with our faces all over it.

"Open it." Phil said waving the present in my face.

"Ok, ok I will." I peeled back the cringe worthy paper. Inside was the box set of 'Haikyū!!'. I stared back up and Phil. "Thanks." I meant to say it with more enthusiasm but it ended up coming out a bit flat.

"Really? That's all you have to say?" Phil rolled his eyes playfully at me, it made me let out a small snort of a laugh. I quickly covered my mouth, although Phil was already laughing at me.

"Yeah, whatever," I reached under the tree. "Go on, you're turn."

He took the gift from me and tore through the paper like he was a child tearing at the wrapper of a chocolate bar. I had given him 'Cure for the Common Universe' which was a really nerdy book that I may have seen some girls on YouTube talking about...Hey what I do in my spare time is none of your business!

"Looks cool." Phil said, turning over the book to read the synopsis for it on the back. And I swear I saw his eyes light up when he went over some of the words. I smiled to myself.

We went on like that for a while, opening presents with some bants in between. I was really surprised at how much thought Phil had put into each gift (minus the wrapping paper job, because we all know that Phil is the absolute worst at wrapping gifts). He had gotten me a mug that was in the shape of Sonic the Hedgehog's head (which we both laughed hysterically at), an 'Attack on Titian' poster and a 'Make your own ugly socks' kit which was also hilarious, as well as the anime box set.

Phil looked at all the gifts I had given him. "So that's one nerd book, one Pac Man Ghost lamp, one Pokémon plushie and-" He paused for a second and took one more look at his last gift. " Is that a lion onesie?"

"To replace the one from the 'Krave' challenge," He started to laugh again. This entire morning was just the two of us laughing. "It's supposed to be a joke, but I think it actually looks quite comfortable."

"Thanks." He said after catching his breath that was taken away by laughter, he was clutching his side from the pain.

"Well that was fun, but we were awake so early that all I really want to do right now is take a nap." I said while putting my hands behind me head and reclining as to rest it on the chair behind me.

"You can't take a nap now!" Phil shouted. "I still have a whole day planned out for us!"

"Are we even doing anyway?" I questioned. Not knowing what was going to happen today was sort of putting me off.

"I told you," He said staring at me with a mischievous smirk plastered to his face. It may have been an attempt at making himself look edgy, I just thought he looked beautiful like a rosebud in the sunlight of our lounge. "It's a surprise."    

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