Smile (chapter twenty two)

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My eyelids sleepily came up to reveal a perfect view of him. Of Phil. I looked around and tried to remember why were sleeping on the floor, sharing a comforter, together. But I honestly didn't care. I pushed away any worried thoughts I had and smiled like a goof, I couldn't help it. The way his hair was a sheet, falling over his smooth face. I so badly wanted to pull it out of he way of his face, so I could kiss him in all the places I had always wanted to. But after all, he was just there, sleeping like a tiny and untouchable mouse (despite his long figure and size). It was so peaceful, no one there to see and no one there to care. To judge. It didn't seem creepy at the time, but I watched, watched him soundly asleep, calmly breathing, only interrupted by his muffled sniffles.

I kept smiling, knowing that in that moment, everything was fine.

Everything was perfect.


Finally, his eyes fluttered open to look at me. I had forgotten for a moment that in that we were not together and that Phil had no idea that I loved him. He didn't love me and never would. But I still kept smiling, because I really could not help it.


The first thing I saw when I woke up.


I couldn't tell why, but when my vision finally cleared up enough (without my glasses or contacts, it's hard to focus), he was smiling.

"What's got you so happy?" I said in a raspy whisper. I immediately started to smile back at him, his dopey grin was contagious (I think it's the dimples).


Just the sight of you is enough to make me smile.


"Oh...nothing." He tried to stop his smile.

"You're so weird." I grabbed one of the pillows that were laying around us and creating some sort of nest, and hit Dan over the head with it.

"Hey!" He shouted. He felt around for something and threw an blanket over my face.

I could hear him walk out of the room laughing. I almost fell back asleep under all the covers, I wasn't even sure what time it was but the sun coming through the windows was a good clue that it was early morning, way to early to be having pillow fight-rematches.

Dan walked back into the room a couple of minutes later.

"Come on, I made us coffee."

"Thanks," I said as I climbed on the couch and took the coffee from his hand.

For the remainder of the morning, we talked and called each other stupid nicknames kind of like the night before. I felt so close to him. I felt like no one else mattered in the world and I could be happy with the person sitting next to me for the rest of my life.

But that's when my phone buzzed.


He toke his phone out of the jean's pocket he had slept in, and opened it up to his messages, but panicked when he looked at the screen.

"Who's that?" I asked, concerned about what Phil was so panicked about.

"Victoria." He said it shortly and seriously.

"Oh, right," Had she really just ruined our moment? It was barely 6 minutes! She wasn't even here! "You best be getting back to her."

He nodded and left the room.

I really did not want to think about this right now. I decided to clear up the pillows and blankets we had made a mess of in the lounge.

Do you still not hate her?

I don't hate her, but I wished I knew how it felt,

To be adored by him.


"Where were you?" 

"What do mean? Was I supposed to meet you somewhere??"


"Where? When?"


"I don't remember agreeing to that.."


"ok I definitely did not agree to that."


She was not even listening to me anymore. I turned my phone off and went back to the lounge. Back to Dan.


He had to go out for video props for a video that he (obviously) put off to the last minute.

"I'll be back in like 2 hours" Dan was putting on his shoes at the front door. "And remember, don't open the door to strangers or set the flat on fire." He laughed, I joined in.

"As long as you remember not to crash into any flag posts or inappropriately wink at anyone." 

"Hey...I can't make any promises."

I shoved him out the door. "Shut up you dork."


I heard the familiar buzz coming from the door downstairs from my bedroom. It was about an hour after Dan had left and I sort of giggled to myself, remembering what he had said about not opening the door to strangers.

But still, I walked down the steps and to our front door to see who was there.

I opened the door and was surprised to be looking at Victoria.

"Hey." She looked awkward and uncomfortable, which was weird because she always seemed so confident and sure of her self.

I didn't say anything, I just motioned her upstairs. As I walked behind her up the stairs, I could see she was tugging at her sweater and fidgeting like she was about to be taken into questioning for a crime she knew she committed. But I guess I'm the one who committed the crime.


"I'm sorry about what I said to you over text." She sat on the sofa and looked up at me.

I sat down, so I wasn't towering over her. "It's fine," I sighed. "But I really don't remember when I agreed to meet you for a hike...let alone bringing Dan."

She looked out the window. "You did seem really spaced out when we had the conversation. But I thought you were paying attention."

I felt bad for not listening. The conversation was starting to come back to me now. I remembered Victoria asking about the hike...I must have been thinking about something about something else. I was doing that a lot lately, not paying attention, having my head in the clouds.

"We it's okay though, right?" I asked, not wanting some dumb miscommunication end our good relationship.

"Of course, I was just kind of tired and frustrated, but yeah, everything's fine." And then she leaned in and kissed my forehead. She did that a lot, and every time it made me feel bad about kissing Dan in that way.


Victoria left shortly after and I went back to waiting for Dan to come home.

I got bored and had an idea.

"Wanna go to a bar tonight?" Dan and I hadn't done anything together in a while and even though I never really suggested this sort of stuff, I wanted an excuse to hang out with him.

"Yeah. Sounds good."

I was looking forward to some time with him, even if it was just as friends...

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