Smile (chapter sixteen)

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This was the day I would start talking to Victoria. I don't know why I was so attracted to her (besides her obvious beauty), but it was like she reminded me of someone. Just the way she seemed like a deep minded person and the general personality I could gather from her photos just made me drawn to her. But today was the day I was going to explore her personality beyond her photos...

I think that Dan must have gone out to buy something that morning because I heard no sound coming from anywhere in the flat, except for my rapid heart rate. Which was weird, it wasn't like I was going to meet her...At least not today.

"Hey, I saw your pictures. You seem nice ;)"

I absolutely hated myself for even typing that. I deleted it and tried again.

"Hey, you look beautiful in your photos."

Nope. Still a tad on the creepy scale, Phil.


Is what I decided to go for in the end. As boring as it sounded, it was the least creepy option I had to choose from. But after I sent it I waited like her text back would mean life or death for me. I'm glad she decided to text back within 5 minutes, I might have waited for hours infront of my phone or as long as it took to get a reply.

"Hi :)"

Don't screw this up, Phil.

"How are you?" I wanted to have a normal conversation to start off with.

"Doing well...You?"

"I've been doing fine"

"Is it just me or does this feel like it's gonna get awkward really fast?"


Aaaaaaaaaand....You screwed it up.

"Well, where do you live? It would be kind of awkward if we lived on polar opposite sides of the world."


"Thank goodness for that :D What do you do?"

"Oh...Well I'm a entertainer.."

"Like at birthday parties or do you do stand up? What kind of entertainer?"

Was I supposed to tell her that I was a YouTuber? I just told all my other dates that I was an entertainer, and they never asked questions. Did Victoria know me from any of my pictures? 

"I make videos on the internet..."

"Cool! I just have some boring receptionist job :("

"It's more work than it sounds like to make internet videos ;D" 

"Haha. Why don't you tell me about it?"

And from there on, the conversation just kind of happened and I felt like I was being myself and wasn't worried about her judging me. Victoria and I really started to hit it off and we kept talking until late afternoon. We would have kept talking until later, but Victoria had to go do something for work.

She really did seem nice and I was just even more in awe with how great of a personality she seemed to have (over text) and I could already tell we had a lot in common.


I went into town to grab a few toiletries for our bathroom. The usual like toothpaste, body wash, and toilet paper, that sort of thing. My journey wasn't exceptionally out of the ordinary but who expects going out to but toilet paper will be an exceptional experience?

I arrived home towards the afternoon and found the flat mostly empty. First I thought that Phil had maybe gone out, but when I heard giggles coming from his room, I knew he was still around. I was wondering what was so funny but honestly it was probably just some dumb cat video Phil had found online. So I just ignored it and went to my bedroom, hoping that maybe I could get some time to work on my fanfiction in peace...Although I also hadn't put up a video in a while. I'd probably just do it later.

I logged onto my account and started to write.

It was their first double date and Dan and Phil were as nervous as ever. The two had gotten ready early, went over details and went over details again, just to make sure they weren't going to mess up this huge milestone in their relationship.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Phil asked Dan as he walked to the door, re-tying his tie for what seemed like the 30th time that night.

"What are you so unsure about?" Jokingly Dan said, "We're just going to, dinner with Chris and Pj. Plus we've gone over all possible outcomes and disasters."

"I don't know, it's like our first date all over again..." Phil said, thinking back to when their relationship was new, and feelings were still not fully blossomed.

"Our first date was fine. What are you talking about, Phil?"

"It might have been fine in the end, but on the inside I was an emotional wreck!" Phil laughed.

"Well this time we're both in this together, and if all else fails, we can come home and order pizza!" Dan smiled at Phil. The two walked out the door, hand in hand, not nervous about the date, but excited to see their friends and have a good time. Together.


The next day I got a text from Victoria:

"It was nice talking to you yesterday. Do you wanna do it again sometime...In person?"

I was shocked, only a day after texting this girl, and I was already being asked to meet up with her.

"Yeah, for sure." I replied, trying to be as smooth and cool as possible.

"So I'm free tomorrow, if you wanna go grab a coffee?"


"Okay, I'll tell you where we should meet later."

"Sounds good. Bye"

"Can't wait! ;)"

I was so excited. But I didn't really understand why. I had gone on dates before, but I never really looked forward to them that much, I just sort of waited for them to happen. Victoria on the other hand was different. I was anticipating our meeting so much more than I did anyone else's. She seemed different. Like no other girl I had met with.

I slept that night, just barely. I was so ready to meet her. And I guess I would find out soon why I wanted to meet her...very soon.

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