Smile (chapter thirty two)

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I could see the excitement in his eyes as we left the coffee shop and began our journey back to London, I imagined Dan to be more shocked when I told him about that night but I liked seeing him with a smile across his face way more than a confused expression. I tried to keep my own grin inside myself, I was trying to go for more of a mysterious and secretive approach to what I had in store for the two of us.

We got back to the flat and didn't waste any time; wiping the snow off our boots, taking off our coats and making our way into our rooms to get ready for the outing. Dan gave my one last look of eagerness before disappearing behind his bedroom door. 

Sitting outlaid on my comforter were the clothes I had picked out earlier that morning, I was up before the sun was trying to make every aspect of the day perfect and preplanned for Dan. A smart black suit jacket, a plain white shirt and a classy black tie stared back at me from on top of my bed, I was very fond of my choice in clothing. I slipped into the black-as-night jacket and turned around to look at my appearance in the mirror. I must have been way too long in front of the mirror (making sure there was no hair out of place and no spots on my face, I wanted to make sure I looked perfect for the special occasion), because Dan knocked on the door and before I could tell him that I was coming out in a minute, he came into the room wearing an all black clothing combination. Looking at his fully black form reflecting in the mirror, I scanned his black dress shoes to his black suit jacket up until I looked to his eyes which were focused coincidently at what I had on.

"So am I supposed to wear a tie?" Dan said while shaking his head like he had just come out of a really deep concentration.

I quickly spun around to face him instead of his reflection. "Yeah..." I looked down and adjusted my tie awkwardly, almost taking it off completely. "I just thought-"

"No! Don't worry, I'll go get one on too." He raced out the room and came back with a tie messily knotted underneath the collar of his shirt. He fumbled with it, trying to get it to it's neat and pristine order.

"Here, let me help." I said making my way to the doorway where Dan was standing.  I grabbed Dan's hands to try to get him to release the tie and let me redo it for him. He looked up from what he was doing and immediately dropped his hands, without breaking the eye contact between us. I looked back at his tie with a small smirk on my face.

"There." I said while pulling away from Dan. 

"Thanks," He said, not looking up from his tie. "Ready to go then?"

"Yeah, ready whenever you are."

Dan gave me a small but thrilled glance and left the room, going to get his coat and shoes back on. I watched him leave the room and I began to think how much better this whole thing would be if it was how Dan had imagined it. The two of us reassuring each other that  everything would be fine and leaving the flat hand in hand. I wished that I could just tell him that I loved him already, I wished I had the courage. I wished I had the strength.

But for the time being, I had to walk out the flat side by side with the person I secretly loved, without him actually knowing the truth.


Phil and I made our way though the restaurant's doors, already starting to impatiently look for our friends and trying not to trip over anything or do anything else that might possibly make Phil and I implode with embarrassment. The restaurant was almost fully packed with people and I could already start to feel the tension rising in my throat. The establishment was probably the most posh one I had ever been in and although I was decked out in a fancy suit and shoes, I could still feel the judgemental eyes of everyone around me. 

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