Smile (chapter twenty six)

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Author's note
This might be a longer chapter, kind of similar in length, to chapter twenty three so I will make it into two parts, meaning the next chapter will also be about the same events (you'll get what I mean when you read the next chapter).



It was the day of Dan and I's holiday party and the scenery outside the flat and in was perfect. Outside the snow had finally started to fall and the roads and rooftops were covered in snow like a blanket of white made up of more than a million individual snowflakes as well as the houses and city outside being decorated in red and green lights that danced on every window and brick wall. And on the inside of the flat there was a cozy feeling that was brought on by the Christmas décor and all-around warm and welcoming spirit.

I was sat in the living room with a mug of green tea, catching up on the newest season of 'The Great British Bake Off' a little more than an hour before our guests were supposed to begin arriving. I would've been completely happy and cozy, but I could hear Dan from the kitchen fussing over some of the cookies going stale or something like that, and it was really bringing my festive mood down quite a bit.

"Will you quit that?" I called from my comfortable spot in the lounge. "What are you so worried about anyway?"

"I don't want anyone to make fun of our stale biscuits!" Dan walked into the room and sat down beside me on the sofa.

"Come off it, Dan," I looked over at him, taking my attention away from the baking program. "You really think our friends are that shallow to judge us based off the state of our cookies?"

"I guess you're right, but for the record, they're biscuits and not 'cookies'."

"Yeah whatever." I said pushing his arm gently while returning back to my show. 

Dan stayed to watch with me for another half of an hour. It was nice to spend a brief amount of time with him before the party, it really took the edge off of the social interactions that were about to take place. And even though I'm not particularly an introvert, I already knew this party would be draining me big time.

"Okay," Dan said while prying himself off the couch. "We should go get ready for the party."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I got up as Dan did and we both made for our bedrooms. As we walked through the door way, I noticed (for the second time) the mistletoe.

"Did you put that up?"

"Yeah..." Dan said looking up at the mistletoe hanging from above our heads and scratching the back of his neck almost nervously. Coincidently, we were both standing right underneath it, together.

I could feel the blood rising up to my cheeks, quickly, I looked down at the floor to stop Dan from noticing my blushing. "It's a cute idea."

"Thought it would be funny thing for couples or just like, random people, I don't really know though." He trailed off.

"I suppose that would mean that we'd have to kiss now." I raised my head up to see his reaction.

Way to go and make the conversation even more awkward than it already is, Phil.

"I guess so." he looked away for a moment.

I didn't know what to say to make it less painfully awkward. I just kind of started to laugh quietly, getting louder and more hysterical, it was the only thing I could think of doing in that moment. Eventually Dan joined in too.

"Come on, Bro," Dan said while punching my chest lightly and then gestured to our bedrooms.


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