Smile (chapter seventeen)

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Today was the day. The day I was going to meet her. Even though we had literally just started talking like two or three days ago, I felt like my entire life was leading up to this day. Although I did feel kind of bad and weird about it, I don't know why. Maybe it had something to do with Dan and the fact I was dreading telling him I was off on another date. But honestly, I had no idea what Dan thought about the whole dating/ meeting new people thing...

Maybe I shouldn't've gone...
Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't gone...

I was having second thoughts about the whole thing and was thinking it over in my bedroom, but my phone chimed before I could completely weigh both sides of the decision. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Victoria:

"Can we meet at this address at 2?..."  She had sent the address to coffee shop in Manchester, but with no link to its name.

"What's the place called?"

"I want it to be a surprise for our first 'date' ;)"

"Why is it all the way in Manchester? Didn't you say you lived in London?"  At this point part of me thought this whole thing was a catfish...It just seemed kind of suspicious to me.

"I had some issues at work so I'm not completely free but I thought it would be rude to stand you up...My job is in Manchester so I just thought we could grab a quick cup of coffee before I head back to my job" 

"Ok I'll meet you there :)" I had to go. If she thought standing people up was rude, she'd probably hate me for canceling on our first meeting.

So at about 1:00 (it was going to take a bit to get to Manchester, especially with traffic and the crazy underground) I grabbed my wallet, coat and keys and headed for the door. I was almost out the house when I was stopped by Dan.


I saw Phil rush out of his room with his coat on, clearly ready to leave the flat, but he hadn't said where he was off to, so I stopped him before he walked out the door.

"Going somewhere," I said in a mock-serious tone, with my arms crossed.

Phil turned and faced me. "I'm going to coffee with a...friend."

"Who?" I said dropping my arms to my sides. 



I couldn't think of anyone else, okay...
I know I always use him as an excuse, but I can never think of anyone else.


"Again?" I was wondering why he never invited me when he saw Chris...Was I really that unimportant to him?

"Yeah, he was free today and asked if I wanted to get coffee."

"Did he ask if I could come too?" It came out a little bit too much like a plea.

"Umm, no," Phil sounded nervous. "But I think he was...implying that it'd be just the two of us."


I felt bad. It was like I was shutting Dan out all over again. I felt terrible, but I had to leave.


"Look, I got to go," Phil said abruptly, ending the awkward conversation.

"Oh," I felt really dumb, like I was the world's lamest friend that wasn't even invited to get coffee with my supposed 'best friend'. "Okay."

Phil gave me a quick nod before going out the door. I sort of just went back to what I was doing.

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