Smile (chapter six)

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After Phil and I got off the train, we made a plan to go to the supermarket to grab groceries and then head over to some shops to buy clothes and things for videos. We may have also decided it would be okay to treat ourselves by going into one or two anime shops...

The food buying portion of our day was pretty normal and mundane, so we moved quickly into the shops for the clothes we were planning to buy.

"Hey, Dan?" Phil said as he stepped out of the change rooms of one of the clothing shops, buttoning up the last three or four buttons on his shirt (I rarely saw his chest anymore, we hadn't been swimming in a while and Phil never sleeps without a shirt).

"...Yeah." I replied, trying my best to keep my cool despite the fact that I was pretty sure I was sexually attracted to Phil's a not weird way of course...

"What do you think about this one?" He looked down at his light blue button up dress shirt. The shirt was for an upcoming event that Phil and I had to attend some time in the next two weeks; something for BBC.

"Looks great." Everything looked great on him. Every colour. Every shirt.

" You've said that about every shirt I've tried on." Phil laughed. His tongue did that cute thing where it sticks out between his teeth.

"I'm impartial! Plus you've tried on every shirt in the store like twice! I wanna leave."

"Your right. Lets head out." Phil said grudgingly as he picked up three out of the fifteen shirts he had tried on, and walked towards the cashier.


We treated ourselves for being responsible adults; buying food and clothes (mostly for actually going outside and into direct sunlight), by going into a few anime stores. Dan and I knew the area pretty well and it only took us about 10 minutes to find the nearest anime shop. I already knew where he was headed.

"So I suppose I'll find you when you come out of the 'Free!' section?" I said jokingly, knowing that Dan would probably just nod in response.

"Aren't you coming?" He said back at me, "I know about your secret love for Makoto." Dan quickly disappeared behind a row of shelves.

"Fine, I'm coming." I said while slightly blushing. I do really like Makoto.

Because he reminds me of Dan.

I already knew which shelves had the 'Free!' merchandise. Dan was already there, admiring the anime boys' figures.

I knew Haru was his favorite character. Our fans always say I look like Haruka, but I don't see the resemblance. Haru had chiselled abs, and I'm skinny as ever and even 'squishy' in some places... But then again, he is an anime character.


I had bought a 'Food Wars' staionary set (despite Dan saying that it was useless and a complete waste of money), an 'Attack on Titain' cape, and a 'Free!' mini keychain. While Dan had gotton a Haru figurine and two 'Fullmetal Alcamist' plushes; one of Edward and one of Alphonse.

Dan an I were on our way to the underground when I saw somewhere where I really wanted to go before we left.

I stopped outside of a nearby Starbucks and waited for Dan to take my hint.

"No." Dan said before looking at me and then at the Starbucks.

"Come on Dan! Just a cheeky drink."

"We come here everytime, don't you wanna go somewhere else for a change?" Dan said, practically pleeding. But I could tell he was enjoying the banter.

"If you don't want to come inside, that's fine with me." I walked into the coffeehouse.

I was just about to order when Dan snuk up behind me.

"So, what are you getting?"

I rolled my eyes and ordered us both white hot chocolates. I could see that Dan was pleased with my order.

We waited until our drinks came and then proceeded to an empty corner with a couch and a window. The couch was very small, but it was very busy this time of day and unless we wanted to go back outside (where it had started to rain), we had to stay in place.

Naturally we started at opposite ends of the sofa and due to our very tall bodies and the urge to be more comfortable, we were forced to move closer together. At first it was awkward, but after a short period of time, our figures had come together.

Pressed sholder to sholder, with our legs outstreched onto the coffee table infront of us. My head was leant back onto the sofa, while Dan was slightly turned towards me.

I stared up at him from where my head was back agianst the couch. He was so nice to look at, from every angle. 
His hair looked beautiful.
His eyes were lit with thoughts and ideas.
I could tell he was focused on something else.
I could see the thoughts going off in his mind.
He looked like he was in his own world.
Like the one we were living in was no one's but his.

I don't think he noticed my staring. 

"Hey, Phil." Dan asked after about an hour.

"Yeah Dan?"

"Let's go home." He seemed happy.

I was happy too.

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