Smile (chapter seven)

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It was a few days after the shopping trip. The rain poured and covered every windowpane with drops of water that trickled down the glass as new droplets would join them. It actually hadn't stopped raining since Phil and I went into Starbucks.

Both of us seemed generally cheerful and happy, but to be fair, Phil was always cheerful and happy.

We spent most of our time in the living room together not talking but in mutual peacefulness. No videos were really expected from us until this weekend so we had a lot of time to catch up on anime together.

Ever since the situation the tiny Starbucks couch put us in, we were sitting a lot closer than usual. Like how one day I was sitting in the middle of our (much larger and perfectly made for two giants like Phil and I) couch when Phil walked in and instead of asking me to move to the side, he just sat himself right next to me. Shoulder to shoulder like we were in one of our videos together.

"Do you want me to move over at all?" I asked him once he sat down.

"Do you want me to be farther away from you?" Phil questioned back, looking slightly hurt in some way.

Of course not. I want you in my arms right now. I want you to be wrapped around me as tightly as possible, like you will never let me go.

"Of course not."

"Well okay then." He sounded much happier and made himself comfortable right beside me. Like I could almost have him, but I knew could never at the same time.


I had also gotten a lot of time to read more fanfiction. I was becoming so invested in it that sometimes I was completely unaware of the real Phil and the real situation I was in. The real Phil that didn't love me and in a real world that would do anything in it's power to keep me from having the one thing I always wanted.

One day I was reading another fan fiction when something hit me.

If I hate this reality so much, why don't I just create my own? A world where Phil and I can be together. A world where everything works out for me. For us. No one would have to know. I could write it under some sort of alias. No one could know.

I could write my own fanfic, and no one would have to know.

I know that Phil and I wrote fanfictions for our book. This was different. It could be a way to get out emotions and write about my perfect world. My perfect reality.

Without thinking, I pulled out my laptop and went onto one of the fanfiction sharing websites I had found, and started to write. At first I didn't know what I wanted the plot to be. I wanted to create something worth while, something that people could read and enjoy as much as I would. It would almost be like giving back to our fans without them knowing it. I decided that there's no time like the present, so why not place it in our modern 2016 lives and have the whole thing be a fluffy dream relationship? Plus, writing things based off actual events would help me vent and get inspiration a lot easier.

And so I started...

Their shared kitchen was empty when Phil walked in, no sight of Dan so far in his persue of cereal and coffee. Phil then went into the lounge where he finally saw Dan's slumped over figure in its usual browsing position.

Dan had looked up at Phil the moment he walked in, mesmerised by Phil's morning quiff.

"Have a rough night?" asked Dan, pointing to Phil's hair that was literally standing up on end.

Phil straightened his morning hair into a messy fringe by combing his fingers through it. "I slept fine." said Phil, slightly blushing.

"I'm glad." smiled Dan, "Now, come over here so we can watch some anime." Dan gestured for Phil to sit next to him.

Phil sat and leaned into Dan, resting his head on Dan's shoulder.

"Dan?" I was abruptly stopped by the voice of Phil calling my name.

"What is it?" I yelled back, not wanting to leave my room or get up.

"There's a new episode of 'Food Wars', if you wanna maybe watch with me?"


"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

I quickly saved the fiction I had written, making a mental note to finish and publish it later.

I must be crazy.

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