Chapter Six

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                                                         Chapter Six

                                                 The Night It All Changed

                                                “I forgive you once again

                                                  Without me knowing

                                            You've burnt my heart to stone”

                                              Melt my heart to stone-Adele

Fall 1835

“I SAID NO” my father growled loudly, I took a step away from him, shocked that he had yelled at me. He never yelled at me before, at least not like that.

“But father-”

“There are no exceptions to this, Isabella. You will remain home and that is final”

“I wish to leave just for a short while. Everyone else is allowed to leave as they please I do not understand why you do not grant me the same courtesy.”

“You are not everyone else my daughter”

“I wish I were, maybe then I would be allowed to marry when and where I please, and go and do as I please”

“You will cease this disobedience” he hissed as his red eyes seemed to brighten slightly.

“Or what?” I hissed, causing him to stand up with an angry growl

“Leave my presence now! Before you make me do something I will regret”

        Huffing angrily I turned sharply and stomped from my parents private chambers. I would show him that I could do exactly what I wanted and that I did not and would not get his permission. I was leaving and that, was that his anger be damned.

        My aunt Lena had told my parents a few days ago that she was leaving to travel for a short while and they both had agreed to it. Though when I asked to leave with her my father acted as if I said I wanted to join another coven. The man was absolutely infuriating and almost impossible to please even on his best day. It's not that I wanted to be away from my parents or my coven, it was just that I was starting to realize that the walls of this castle had become the only world I have ever known. A book and descriptions could only do so much, before it became useless, but leaving this place and seeing all the world has to offer is what I truly desire. An adventure; to feel the breeze by an ocean, or feel the sun warming my skin as it rises, and maybe even climb the highest mountain just to see if I could reach the stars. Yes, most of my dreams in life could be viewed as idealistic or fairytale-like, but they were mine and I am determined to see them through, with or without approval. 

        I had just finished packing my bags when a knocked sounded on my chamber doors, before the door swung open slowly. It was Gabriel, his black hair curling around his angled face devilishly, his red eyes glinting mischievously, and his tall muscular frame taking up the door frame. I smiled at him quickly, while I grabbed a few more last minute things I felt I may need in the future. "Your back. Finally! I have missed you so much" I sighed happily moving in his direction. His face held a perplexed expression, as he glanced from my bags, to the empty wardrobe, then finally  his red stare rested on me.

“Bell, where are you going” he asked carefully, slowly as if talking to a confused child.

      I jutted my chin out stubbornly and picked up my two luggage’s and walked over toward the door. “Like I have told you and my father, I am leaving for a few months to travel with my aunt”. He grunted as he crossed his arms over his chest glaring down at me “Is that so? I do not remember giving you my permission and last I knew neither did your father”

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