Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Engagement Party

"How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may"

How long will I love you-Ellie Goulding

That run I took with Celina last week was just what I needed I was able to freely talk and let out everything I was feeling. It was just like old times when we would lay out in the grass and gaze at the sky. Talking about anything and everything, except this time instead of dreaming we were living it. It was a good reality check, things may not be perfect, but we had made a pretty good life especially when we reflected on where we started.

The last week with Celina was wonderful I missed her so much and I am not sure what I am going to do when she leaves. I will miss her Pack members I have enjoyed getting to know them. I know Esme will miss having all the company and getting to play hostess.

"Alright Bella time to start getting ready!" Alice glided into the room. I looked her over she was smiling and bouncing on the balls of her feet she looked like she was buzzing with energy, better yet like a current of electricity was flowing in her veins. "Do I have to?" I sighed even though I had already stood up and walked out of the room.

"Don't be like that" Alice pouted at me as she took my hand and steered us into her large en suite. I sat on the padded stool that she had in front of her vanity. I prepared myself to be sitting for a few hours even though Alice assured me numerous times earlier in the afternoon that it would be an hour at the most. I had showered and washed my hair the previous hour so now all I had to do was sit and let Alice do my hair and makeup.

"Any request?" She asked and she started to section and brush through my thick brown curls.

"Hmm, not really I guess I want to look like myself of course and something that will be comfortable for the night"

Alice nodded "Alright that sounds perfect!" her voice chimed then she got a serious look and got to work.

Today was the 15th of June.

Today was Edward and mines engagement party


The Cullen men have been in the backyard all morning and most of the afternoon decorating under the direction of Esme and Lena. Lena had gotten back a day ago with William and after a short reunion with Celina and I, Lena promptly was in party planning mode.

I was excited to meet the Cullen's extended family and I really could not wait to see some of my friends who I haven't seen in years. Of course, I also really want them to meet Edward as well! We were keeping the engagement party to close friends and extended family- in other words strictly supernatural. We felt that would be best and humans we interact with on a regular basis are coming to the wedding, so they really don't need to be at the engagement party.

About thirty minutes into working on my hair all the women invaded Alice's room with snacks and champagne. Currently we were listening to music, talking, and for those of us that could drink we were getting slightly tipsy. I wasn't sure how much I had drunk but I knew that every time I finished a glass and freshly filled one was placed into my hand.

I was giggling at something Celina said she was sitting on top of the bathroom counter.

"I think the bride to be has had enough champagne" Lena said suddenly and blocked Sabina when she tried to hand me another glass. I smiled gratefully at Lena as Sabina giggled and downed the full glass herself.

"I would have to agree" Rosalie piped up from where she was leaning against the wall behind me. "We would not want you to fall and then have Edward get all protective over you"

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