Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Wrath Becomes Her

"Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how to be this way now and never back down"

Fighter- Christina Aguilera

"David" I breathed, and he smirked wickedly.

"Princess" he hissed

"I assume Gabriel orchestrated this" I said, and he smirked with a nod.

"The basics at least" David said off handedly as he cocked his head to the side. He looked me over a few times it felt like he was analyzing me he suddenly stopped and straightened up.

"Basics" I questioned as I wiped my forehead then ran my hand over my sweats, I could feel the blood smear down my thigh. I saw David's eyes dilate as he followed the movement- I did not like the look in his eyes.

"Yeah he simply said take out Lena and the Cullens and to make you watch then bring you back. Of course, the plan was ruined with the number of allies you had gathered here but never mind the details." David said with a wave of his hand as he started slowly pacing before me, I followed his every move.

"Not very original of your master" I said evenly, and David chuckled darkly.

"If it ain't broke" he said off handedly with a small shrug turning suddenly to face me. "I figure with all the confusion I'd take the chance to steal you away".

"So, you planning to just cut and run" I cocked my head to the side "Not very like you to leave a fight unfinished".

"Priorities. There is always another day for carnage princess" he hissed.

Just as he moved into position to spring at me, I was already on him. I threw two punches to his face followed by a punch to the throat and a kick to the stomach followed by a roundhouse kick to the chest. He went flying before he rolled on the ground and popped back onto his feet and came back at me.

He was a flurry of punches and kicks I blocked most of them but did take a few hits. I grabbed his arm, flipped him to the ground then straddled him throwing punch after punch he flung me off. I rolled back over and wrapped a leg around his head squeezing as hard as I could, but he wrestled free before I could try to decapitate him.

I jumped up and went right back at him kicking out in quick succession before I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck wrenching his head back and letting my weight pull me down his back. I heard a pop and he screamed out before he grabbed my arms and pried them away, I screamed as my wrist broke.

I released him and paced back several steps I nearly had him he had not expected me to put up this much of a fight. I could see that in his eyes he was glancing around nervously.

"Not what you remember" I said tauntingly as I got low and ran at him once again this time, he was trying his best to block my punches and kicks.

"Seems you have grown into quite the fighter" he huffed in annoyance as he blocked my hit and sent me flying back with a punch.

I righted myself and blocked his next kick and sent back two of my own. "Only the strong survive and all of that" I hissed as dodged his punch and paced away.

I was faster than him I always had been but ever since I left the Volturi I have honed my body. I of course would never be as strong as him, but I could fight now, and my body was trained to push through pain.

I would not be taken down as easily as I once was.

I shot my leg out kicking David in the face and followed that by sweeping him off his feet as he was falling, I moved behind him and grabbed his head.

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