Chapter Eight

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                                                                     Chapter Eight

                                                                  Sweet Greetings

                                                         “Letting darkness grow”

                                               Anything Can Happen- Ellie Goulding

       “Rise and shine” the voice softly sang next to my ear, then someone shook me gently, I could feel them hovering over me. Opening my eyes slowly, I blinked a few times as I took in my surrounds. I saw the color plum, I smelled sandalwood and spice, and I could hear the barely noticeable slowed heartbeat. I knew exactly who this was.

       “Why are you waking me up, sister” I asked slowly and I swear I could hear the smile on her lips. She laughed lightly and pushed my shoulder this time I rolled over onto my back smiling up at Celina. She wore a cute baggy plum sweater and dark denim jeans. She looked exactly the same, although something was different about her. Maybe the crescent shaped scar on the right side of her neck, or the brightness in her olive green eyes, or the glow that she seemed to be radiating. She looked beautiful and blissful.

       “Something is different about you” I said with a small teasing smile and she blushed lightly as she sat next to me on the bed. I bumped her shoulder with mine as I wrapped my arm around her “So, tell me what it is”. Celina bite her lip gently a nervous habit she always had, when she is not quite sure how to say something. She took a deep breath and turned toward me taking my hands in hers.

       “Why all the formalities” I laughed nervously as I started to worry she was going to deliver some terrible news. “Sorry I am just so excited and nervous” she laughed and then slowly placed my hands against her stomach. I gasped when I felt the bump beneath my hands.

       “Oh, my God!” I screamed

       “I know, I know!” she screamed back

       We both were hugging each other and screaming when Edward and Alasdair both came rushing through the door at the same time. Alasdair’s amber eyes immediately sought out Celina and when he saw that there was no danger he instantly calmed down. Edward was smiling as he looked over at Celina who was rubbing her tiny baby bump.

       “I assume the screaming was concerning Celina’s current condition” Edward asked with a crooked smiled. I nodded excitedly as I hugged Celina again before jumping on Edward. “I am going to be an aunt!” I kissed him enthusiastically my entire body was vibrating with my excitement. Edward wrapped his arms tightly around me, lifting me up slightly I giggled and wrapped my legs around him. “Isn’t this exciting” I said pecking him a few times he nodded distractedly as he kissed me again.

       Celina started laughing and I looked over my shoulder to see her wrapped in Alasdair’s arms. Her mate was gazing down at her lovingly, gently placing a kiss on her cheek. “Be careful sister, or you may end up pregnant next” she said with a teasing smile. I took a deep breath and let my mind wander for a moment before I shook my head gently. “I assure you that will not be happening” I slide down from Edward arms “At least not right this minute” I forced a teasing smile. Quickly, turning I headed toward the bathroom to get ready for the day, and hopefully Celina and I could catch up later.

       After my shower, I took the time to blow dry my hair until it was nearly straight. It had gotten long nearly touching the middle of my back. Running the flat iron over my hair a few times jut to make sure it was perfectly straight. I applied some eyeliner, a few strokes of mascara, and a light dusting of powder. Walking into the closet I slipped on a pair of thick black leggings, a long light grey nearly white sweater, thick dark grey wool socks that nearly came to my knees and my brown riding boots. The only jewelry I wore was my engagement ring, and a long topaz necklace which I doubled up and a matching bracelet on my wrist.

       When I walked down stairs I could hear Emmett’s bellowing laughter and Celina’s giggle. I smiled when I walked into the living room to see Emmett and Celina positioned around the coffee table preparing to arm wrestle. I shook my head as I walked over to Edward, who looked just as amused as Rosalie.

Celina and Emmett were like a double sided coin they complemented each other in almost every way, it was slightly eerie how much they were alike. Emmett liked to joke that she was the twin to his soul.

       “I’m not sure if Seem will be pleased if they break another one of her coffee tables” Alasdair said absentmindedly, while he typed quickly on his iPhone. Most likely checking in with the pack, I am sure they were close by if they weren’t already here. I smiled softly and nodded in agreement “Probably not, but she loves having Celina over I am sure she will be willing to forgive-again”.

       “There is no way you can beat me, this time” Emmett vowed with a chuckle. Celina arched a brow “And what makes you so certain this time, as opposed to the last five times” she giggled. “Well, you are carrying around an extra load, and the last times you cheated” Emmett pointed out smugly. I shook my head when I saw Celina eyes narrow just the slightest and knew Emmett was about to get his butt kicked again.

       “Ready” she asked lowly and Emmett nodded still oblivious to the change in Celina mood. I could always tell when the wolf got closer to the surface by the subtle changes in her appearance.

       The first; her eyes would get dimmer, a darker color mixing into the olive green making them look polluted. The second; her body seemed to tense just the slightest as if all of her senses were working in overdrive. The third and last; her voice it became low and icy. Celina often said her wolf side was extremely strict especially when it felt ‘challenged’.

       Hopefully, the living room would not get too destroyed this time, poor Esme looked devastated when she saw the condition of it previously.

       “Should she really be doing this in her condition?” Edward asked softly beside my ear. I turned my head and kissed his cheek softly “Do not fret my dear, Celina never loses once challenged”. Edward looked doubtful, but wisely did not try to argue with Celina on the matter the last thing I needed was to get in an argument with my sister if she tried to fight with Edward.

       “Born ready, Cee” Emmett added a few seconds later, Celina smirked slowly and almost so quick I didn’t notice it Celina had Emmett’s arm pinned to the table. I winced slightly when I heard the wood splinter and give way, as she flipped him by the arm sending him spinning toward the glass back doors. Rosalie and I gasped softly as Emmett was about to fly through the doors, but at the last minute he righted himself, and turned slowly to look over at Celina.

       “What was all that talk about “extra loads” and “cheating”?” Celina asked tauntingly and Emmett stared at her a moment before he started laughing. Shaking his head he walked over, giving her a huge hug, which had her giggling. “I missed you so much” Emmett said setting her down when I cleared my throat gently. Emmett looked over at me with an innocent expression. “You know you’re my favorite sister” he promised earnestly and I rolled my eyes. “Sure, sure” I murmured and squealed as Emmett ran at me, wrapping me in a suffocating hug and swinging me around.

       “Emmett, put me down” I screamed when I started to get dizzy, Emmett chuckled as he plopped me back on my feet, and I promptly started to stagger as I attempted to find my equilibrium again. Emmett’s chuckles, turned to full on laughter at this point, then suddenly I felt Edward’s arms wrapping around me, his hands rubbing soothing circles up my back.

       “Dammit, Em” Edward growled “I told you to stop doing that, you are going to make Bella hurt herself”. Rosalie snorted from her spot on the couch “Oh, please Edward. Isabella is a big girl I am sure she can take care of herself”. Edward hissed lowly over at her, then he was pushing my hair out of my face and glancing over me worriedly.

       I laughed lightly “I’m fine, you overprotective man” he frowned down at me and started to say something but I cut him off “Becoming dizzy is a normal thing and absolutely nothing to wor-”

       I never got to finish what I was saying because at that exact moment a lone howl sounded from the back of the house, followed by the sound of another, then another, and so on until I heard the entire pack howling as one. I shook my head in disbelief Celina had told me enough about packs for me to know what that meant. Although, if what I think just happened really happened then we may have less time than we originally thought.

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