Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

A Friend

"I'm achin' now, I'm achin' now

It's times like these I need relief

Please show me how, oh show me how

To get right"

Tighten up-The Black Keys

"I guess I touched a slight nerve" Rosalie asked with a small smirk, but I could see a deep understanding within her eyes. I nodded and started toward the fallen tree that had been acting as a bench when I decided that I needed to be moving. I couldn't sit still after all that I had just admitted to Rosalie, I needed to do something physical, to distract me.

"You're hungry. Let us hunt" I said then took off in the woods I could hear Rosalie running behind me, before her footfalls grew faint as she started her own hunt further away from me. I relaxed and let my primal instincts take over as, I scented out a small gathering of deer. I only feed from one deer and spent my time chasing different animals through the forest, wasting time until Rosalie was done hunting.

I was feeling much better after I spent some time talking to Rosalie. Oddly enough, I liked talking to her because she did not interrupt, judge or make false assurances, she merely listened and accepted. And that is something I really need right now, especially when it comes to the Volturi and Gabriel. As much as I love Edward and appreciate everything he does for me, I know he is lying when he tells me that everything is going to be alright.

One thing that Gabriel does well; is hunting, and when he sets his sights on anything he aims to win at any and all costs. Something that he has never and will never let me forget as long as either one of us survives.

Unbeknownst to Edward I plan on killing Gabriel, I feel this is the only way that I can truly be happy and free from him and the Volturi. Truthfully if not for him and the promise I broke to him, I believe my father would have let me be many years ago.

"Are you ready to go back? We have been out here a few hours and you know how Edward gets when you are not in his immediate presence." Rosalie laughed lightly I nodded smiling slightly in agreement. Edward could be slightly panicked whenever I was away from him too long especially when he felt I was not safe, which happened to be all the time.

"Yes, you are right he is probably pacing at the back door as we speak" I stated rolling my eyes as she let out a small giggle. "I wouldn't doubt it. Although I do not find it odd the way he acts about you". I nodded "Yeah, I know he worries about me, but I try not to get annoyed since I know he only acts the way he does because he loves me". Rosalie raised an eyebrow with a small teasing smile "No, that's not it" she said with a shake of her head "Edward, has simply always been strange". I started laughing after a moment, when I realized she made a joke and she joined me.

I could hear the soft trickling of the stream that ran behind the Cullen house, acting as a fence of sorts between there and the forest.

"Thanks, for before..." I trailed off, shrugging when she looked over at me with an unreadable look. "That's what friends are for, Bella" she simply said then made a graceful leap across the river where she was caught in the arms of Emmett who quickly pulled her into a hungry kiss. I shook my head the two of them always acted as if any amount of time apart was too much to bear, and they were very physical with each other. Another reason that Emmett liked to tease me about the nonexistent sex life between Edward and I, his was entirely too active. Though I suppose when you have forever and do not need to sleep what else would you possible do all night, and day.

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